Chapter 29

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Few months back, marriage was the word both Noor and Rayyan were least bothered about. She had a history with it. He had no intention of creating one. So thinking about how they'd fall into a routine if by any chance they get married, was out of question.

But that was few months back. It was now that they'd fallen into a routine which felt like a life pattern. A month had passed since that night he confessed his feelings to her. Noor had expected things to go awkward. But they didn't. That morning was the only time they had talked about it. After that it was never mentioned. But that didn't mean it was not there between them. Noor could feel. Something had changed. Shifted. It was in the air. It was in the space between them. It was everywhere.

The feeling which was defined as love.

She wasn't sure if it was as deep as love is supposed to be, but it was there inside of her. Slowly uncoiling. Spreading. To the deepest corner of her heart. To the farthest nook of her mind. Rayyan was all around her. In her days and night. In her talks. In her thoughts. And she never felt it was weird. It was like the nature.

Her nature. He was not just a habit now. He was more than that.

And that was fine.

She hadn't touched the topic of inviting his family over. Somewhere he was not that much looking forward to it but she understood. It was something she shouldn't meddle into. She would be there for him whenever he wanted her to, but she won't do something she wouldn't do. He had always respected her personal space and she should do the same. She was in touch with his family. Meeting Saliha and Abeer at least once in a week. The bonding was ever growing but still Noor didn't want to do anything which would make it go in vain.

In the weeks following their wedding he had taken the responsibility of dropping her to work. She had tried refusing but an adamant Rayyan was not an easy Rayyan. They would have their breakfast together and then leave for work. She was always back home by five but it took him longer. The dinner, just like the breakfast was always eaten together with telling each other about their day.

It was so easy. Falling into this routine. Like it was always there. It was never. But still felt like it had forever. His most basic habits were on Noor's fingertips. How he used to bite his lip in pure frustration, how lack of coffee made him cranky, how he was so punctual about his sleeping pattern, how sleeping with his arm under his head was his habit, how he used to go for a morning run daily, how he loved blue color, how he used to eye the traditional wear in his closet warily, and how kissing her nose was his favourite thing to do these days.

And it always put her to ease no matter how stressed she was. One kiss and she would instantly start smiling. The ease between them was something she would always cherish. The talks were flowing. They would start talking about any random thing. Sometimes important. Sometimes just to hear each other. The had started bickering. Pulling out that side of each other they had hidden from the rest of the world.

How surreal it was that even after loving her, he wasn't expecting anything in return. He hadn't brought it up again. But he wouldn't know that was the one of the many things which were pulling her towards him. How could she not drawn towards the man who was not forcing his feelings upon her. Who wasn't making it out a big thing that he was in love with her. How many men out there would do that? She knew none but him for her.

But unknown to her, she wasn't the only one learning new things about him. He was also doing the same. He could never get tired of seeing her playing with her hair when in deep thoughts, how tea was to her what black coffee was to him, how she was so particular about getting her work done on time, how she was stealing glances of him whenever given the opportunity, how inhaling the fresh morning air standing in their room balcony was her habit now or how his nose kisses would make her giggle no matter how stressed she was.

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