Chapter 5

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"Shall we take her to the hospital?"

Haseeb asked eyeing his boss sideways who was deep in thoughts. Upon hearing no reply from him a deep sigh left Haseeb's lips.

"Seriously Rayyan? Why are we even doing this?"

Rayyan gave him a hard stare but his heart was also asking him the same question. Why? He wasn't supposed to do this. He wasn't supposed to show an ounce of care. It was against him. Shaking his head he rasped in his authoritative voice.

"Stop with your useless questions before I throw you out of the car."

Haseeb rolled his eyes and glancing at Noor turned towards the steering wheel wondering all the while who was this girl for whom Rayyan was showing concern. Because Rayyan and concern don't even suit in same sentence.


Sabahat was serving in this house for past five years. She remembered how after buying the property the young owner had hired her immediately when she came here. He was not a fan of keeping an army of servants and that's why it was always her at his beck and call. She'd seen him paving a way for himself without any footsteps to follow. He had few peculiar habits and rules set in his house which he never broke and never bringing a woman here was one of those. But her surprise knew no bounds seeing him carrying a girl inside with a pissed Haseeb following behind.

Rayyan stopped in front of the guest room and after placing her on the bed tried getting up but her hand had clutched his blazer firmly which forced him to look at her face.

Her beautiful face.

His eyes took his fill of her. He had seen women far more beautiful than her but there was this unfamiliar sense of innocence surrounding her that he couldn't deny. And it was inviting. Drawing him towards her. He gulped but soon realized what he was doing.

"Sir should I do the dressing of her wounds?"

Sabahat asked entering the room. He got up and nodding at her left from there.


He was standing facing the french doors which opened to the pool outside. Seeing her standing in front of that heavy vehicle had stirred a distant memory. He might be heartless but he wasn't oblivious to the feeling of numbness. The kind of numb which makes you lose yourself. Which is enough for you to give up on anything. And he felt that numbness in her too. He didn't know if she was trying to end herself or not but he knew he was close to it once. That day, On his fifteenth birthday he had tried to end his life.

Because that very day he had came to know who he was.

He came to know why his grandmother was always ready to charge on him.

Her cutting tongue.

Her calling him illegitimate.

Hell he didn't even knew back then what this word meant. His dad wanted to celebrate his birthday so did Saliha. And they tried to keep it a surprise but somehow he came to know. At such a tender age he knew celebrating something related to him in this house won't go well with Mrs Farhat Khan. His grandmother. He sternly refused Saliha. He didn't know why he never liked the Woman. Saliha had always tried to be extra friendly with him but he always maintained a distance. His friends and all the relatives around had always told him she was his step mother. And this made him bitter towards her.

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