Chapter 25

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Even before coming to him, even before deciding she wanted to come, even before anything, Noor knew that even if they'd get a chance to be together, it'd a permanent one. Because nothing with him had been ephemeral so far. His mark in her past, that stay in his house, the memories haunting her and then his arrival back to her life. Since the time she had met him, he'd become a constant in her life. Without even trying. Without both of them wanting.

So how could anything from here go wrong? It couldn't. She had no doubts. And if she had, they vanished up into air with the smile his lips had curled into. But still she had to ask him. Had to know where he stood. What he wanted after this.

She averted her gaze when he shot her a questioning look. No matter at how ease she was with him, she couldn't straight away ask him. This was her sore point. The point where she'd always tread cautiously. Last time she was way too optimistic. Getting into a commitment with just two words of assurance on Sarmad's part. That had left a mark on her so profound that she felt nervous every time she thought about having the same situation with any guy. She had vowed to never give anyone this kind of power in her life ever again. She would be the judge of what she wanted and whom she wanted it with.

But that was before the reentry of Rayyan Ahmed Khan in her life. He made her think of things she had long given up on. Having a future with someone. Or feeling something for someone. She wasn't in love with him. Not yet. But wouldn't mind if it happened. But for that they'd have to talk about how things were to go now.

Her inner dilemma wasn't hidden from him. That's why he leaned forward in his chair and looked at her with his warm blue eyes.

"What it is?"

She sighed. Will her discomfort ever be hidden from him? No.


"Okay. Tell me that nothing. I'm all ears."

A small chuckle escaped her lips. The ever persistent RAK.

"What....I mean...What... now?"

She waited with baited breaths. She knew his response wouldn't be anything wrong but still she was afraid. He didn't break eye contact with her. Instead his eyes shone with something akin to resolve.

"Get married."

She thought she choked on the tea. It wasn't unexpected but still she felt like he'd dropped a bomb.



"Right now?"

He smiled. An amused smile filled with happiness. Like he was glad she didn't refuse straight away. She wasn't going to anyway.

"No. Not right now. Let's not run into this. But few days from today. Months. As much time as you want. Because if we are going to be together, we going to do it right. The way you want."

She was speechless. A marriage proposal was going to follow. She knew it. But these sincere words from him leaving it all up to her to decide whenever that should happen had left her filled with relief and gratitude. He knew it was not easy for her. But he just made it as easy as he could. He wanted her with him. But on her conditions.

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