Chapter 20

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It was a trance which held them captivated. There had been few stare downs like this one before. Both looking into each other's eyes and finding answers to the unsaid. The untold.

There was no rain falling on them.

Because rain had done its work already. It had fallen drenching them in the downpour of love. It was their time to recognize the signs. He had. She hadn't. And he would wait till she did.

The voices of the kids drew them back to their surroundings. Noor looked away from him and was about to slip past the scene when she saw Rehmat Khan hurrying towards her. He was the care taker of the small guest house on the other edge of the village close to the lake. He had been instructed to make arrangements for the guest Zirwa and Noor were bringing with them but seeing his worried features Noor could tell something was wrong.

"Rehmat baba, is everything okay?"

She asked taking a step forward. Rehmat Khan looked at Rayyan who was making small talk with the kids.

"Noor beta, I'm sorry. I got the message late. I'm afraid the house is not ready for our guest yet. It will take an hour or two more."

Noor couldn't believe her luck today. Why her?

"I hope it's not a big issue."

She looked at the old worn out face of the man and then back at Rayyan who had sensed something was up. He got up from his crouched position to match kids' level and gave Noor a questioning look.

Noor heaved a sigh. Before anything else, Rayyan was their guest and the most important fund giver for their organization. Zirwa hadn't reached yet so it was Noor who would've to take the role of the good host.

"It's nothing, baba. You go and complete the arrangements. I'll take our guest to my house for the time being. Take his luggage with you though."

Rehmat Khan looked relieved and mumbling a haste thanks had run towards the car. Rayyan opened the trunk and Rehmat Khan picked up his luggage. Nodding at them both he was soon out of the site. The kids had also gone to continue with whatever they were playing before which left just Noor and Rayyan to look at each other awkwardly.

"Shall we?"

She pointed towards the housing lanes to some distance. Rayyan nodded. She came around to pick her luggage and when he tried to do it for her she declined politely.

"Thank you, Mr Khan but I guess I've learnt to carry my burden myself. Please follow me."

There was so much behind those words and Rayyan was no fool to not catch up on that. She wasn't taunting him. He knew. Her tone was without any snide. She was just telling him that she had learnt from life. He had once asked her to keep these lessons in her mind and that, she did. He felt a wave of remorse hitting him. Whatever he said to her back then was no lie but he wish he could've said it a nicer way. To think of it all now he could feel how horrible he was to her. There was this girl. Tattered and hopeless. Running to save her life and dignity. Carrying the wounds of betrayal from the people she had least expected. And there he was. Rubbing it all on her face without holding anything back. Without sugarcoating the facts. And then going as far as using her misery to his benefit. No doubt she got her freedom this way but still he could do with a way better plan which ensured her safety without any gain of his own. But how could he? He was an asshole back then and there was no point in saying it any other way. She was still treating him better than he had. Nothing he did affected her in a bad way but it was affecting him now. He was ashamed of his deeds and was hoping to make amends. And that he would do. There were no two ways about it. The path leading to her was difficult because he himself had made it difficult and now he himself would face the difficulties.

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