Chapter 9

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Veronica's POV
As the weekend progresses I spend it watching Netflix in bed, dodging phone calls from Archie. A knock at my door pulls my attention from my tv, assuming it's my parents I yell "come in." In walks Archie Andrews, the last person I expected to see on Saturday afternoon in my bedroom. "Archie" I say surprised. He gives me a sympathetic smile and walks in my room, slightly shutting the door. "Hey. I just came to see how you feel" he says. I smile a bit "I feel better, thanks. How'd you get in?" I ask with a laugh. He smirks "your parents were just leaving when I got here, they're still not happy with me but they let me in" he says. I nod my head "sit" I say sitting up and crossing my legs under the blanket. "This is the most human socialization I've had in over 24 hours" I say jokingly. "Well I'm glad I could be of assistance. What do you have anyway? Am I going to get sick sitting here?" He asks. I shake my head "I had food poisoning, I'm fine now. So no, you will not get sick." I say. As far as I know, you can't "catch" pregnancy. "Good. So are you in the mood for Pops?" he asks , raising his eyebrow. I smirk and nod my head "Pops sounds great. Go wait out there and I'll meet you" I say. He nods his head and goes into my living room to wait for me. He closes the door behind him and I sigh, "sure Pops sounds great, I'm knocked up and craving French fries" I whisper to myself. I stand up and go into my closet to put on a simple pair of sweatpants and my old New York Yankees t-shirt. I walk out of my bedroom and meet Archie, who is sitting comfortably on my couch. An image I haven't seen in months, but something I'm entirely comfortable with. "Ready to go?" He asks, when he glanced up and sees me standing there. I smile and grab my bag "I'm ready"

"I have never seen you eat that much" he says jokingly. "I was starving" I say while laughing. "Clearly, I mean I'm pretty sure you ate more than I did" he says. I roll my eyes "Yeah Yeah, whatever" I say. The bells above the door at Pops ring and I glance up, and to my absolute horror, Reggie walks in. I feel nauseous just looking at him, "Ronnie, you good?" Archie asks. I look back at him "yeah why?" I ask, playing dumb. "Nothing you just looked uncomfortable for a second" he says. Reggie sees me and turns and says something to Moose before walking over to our booth. "Hey guys, fancy seeing you two together" he says. Archie narrows his eyes at him "we're hanging out. Is there a problem?" He asks. Reggie shakes his head "no it's just, Ronnie you didn't answer my text about next time we should get together for bio" he says. I recall Reggie's text, but it asked when we'll be hooking up again. "Jury's still out" I say bluntly. "See you Monday" I add, before turning my attention back to Archie, before Reggie walks away. "I thought you two were friends now" he says. I nod my head "we are. But you know Reggie, it's very easy to get tired of him" I say. He nods his head, "I know exactly what you mean."

"Thanks for paying" I say, as he drops me off at my front door. "Yeah no problem. I'm glad we do stuff like this again, even if it's not... the same" he says. I smile "yeah me too. I had fun" I say. I open my the front door "bye" I say, not knowing whether to hug him or not. "Bye" he says. I step inside my house but instantly regret not hugging him goodbye, "Archie wait" I call out while walking into the hallway. "Yeah?" He asks confused. I smile lightly and lean in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck like I used to and I breathe him in, a comfortable and familiar scent. He wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel his smile grow, making me smile as well. I pull away and look at him "I'll see you at school Monday?" I ask, setting my hands on his shoulders. He smiles says "yeah" before I turn away and walk into my house, and for one moment, one short wonderful moment, I forgot all about my situation.

"Hello Mija" my mother says as I walk in the door, "I didn't know you're seeing Archie again" she says. I shrug "I'm not. Just friends" I say. My father clears his throat "yes well what about that dark haired boy you've been sneaking in and out of our home, just a friend as well?" He asks. I stop dead in my tracks, "how did you-" I stutter, but he cuts me off "Don't bother. But listen to me, at some point, when this all hits the fan. You're going to need our help" he says. I take a deep breath, tears filling my eyes. "I already do" I sadly choke out, "Daddy I'm in trouble."

Sorry this is later/shorter than usual. It's 1am where I live right now and I just woke up from a nap I took at 6... I'm going to be miserable tomorrow 😂

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