Chapter 16

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Veronica's POV
"Welcome home, Miss. Veronica" Andre says while opening the car door for me. I smile and step out of the car, "thank you, Andre. It's good to be back" I say. He closes the door behind me and I see the front doors to the Pembrook open wide. "Mija, you're home" my mom says while walking down the stairs to greet me, with my father at her side. She wraps me in a hug and kisses my cheek, "I missed you Mom" I say while hugging her. "I've missed you too Mija. Things will be better now, we promise you that" she says. She releases me from the hug and my father pulls me in a hug, "Welcome home, Veronica. We've missed you" he says pulling me in and kissing my forehead. "Andre please bring Veronica's bags" my mother says before taking my hand and leading me inside. We walk into the elevator, my hand still in my mothers, and she presses the button to our floor. "I'm glad you're home, the house has been empty without you" my mom says. I smile at her and look back down at my feet, waiting to be back to my old life.

I finish the last of my unpacking and I sit down on my bed, running my hand over the duvet. "Mom I have some stuff to buy, do you mind if I take the car?" I ask, out of the blue. "Sure, just don't stay out too late. We want to have dinner tonight, as a family" she says. I smile, "I'll be home by 4" I say. She hands me the keys and I grab my bag, heading for the front door.

Archie's POV
"Archie! We need some groceries, head to the store for me?" He asks, I hide my groan and climb out of bed. I walk down the stairs, taking the keys from the hook and taking the list from his hands. "Thanks, I appreciate it" he says as I walk to the door. "No problem" I say back before closing the door behind me. I climb in the truck and pull out of the driveway, while turning on some music. I drive down the street and suddenly drive passed the Pembrook, and I find myself glancing up to the balcony to see if a certain raven haired princess is standing there, but she isn't. I look back to the road and continue down the less exciting trip to the grocery store.

Eggs. Check
Milk. Check
Butter. Check

My eyes skim down the list that my dad wrote me and I don't even notice when my cart hits someone else's. "Shit, sorry" I say while looking up at the person whose cart I hit. "Ronnie..." I say, not even giving her a second to respond to the first thing I said. "Archie... hey" she says awkwardly. "I was-" "I should've-" we both start at the same time. "Go ahead" I say with a small laugh. She tucks her hair behind her ear, "I got home a few hours ago. I was going to call but my parents wanted a family dinner tonight. I was gonna call after" she says. I nod my head "Yeah it's okay. You've been gone for so long, I get they'd want to see you" I say. She gets a text and looks down at her phone, and I take that moment to look at her. Her hair is just below her collar bone, slightly longer than before. Other than that she's the same Ronnie, her exterior hadn't changed in the year. But I know that's not the case for the rest. "Sorry. Do Jughead and Betty know I'm home, or at least coming home?" She asks. I nod my head "Yeah I kind of blabbed. Kevin knows too, but no one else" I say. She nods, "what about Reggie, I kind of have to tell him what happened. I want to tell you too, just not yet. I want to feel normal first" she says. I nod "that makes sense, no pressure. Really" I say, giving her a smile. She smiles back, "you're still so..." she fades out. "Good?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her. She laughs "yes. Good" she says. I laugh "I still don't know if that's a compliment" I say. She laughs with me, "it is. I promise" she says. I look down at my list, "I'm actually about to go pay for this, do you want to meet up at Pops tomorrow?" I ask her, hoping she won't shoot me down. "How about late night fries and milkshakes, I'm jet lagged and probably won't sleep for days anyway" she says. I nod, trying to suppress a grin "Yeah, sounds fun. I'll text Betty and Jughead, hows 11:30?" I ask. She smiles "can't wait" she says before pushing her cart forward and walking off. I head to the checkouts with a smile on my face, thinking about how joking around with Ronnie felt just like old times.

"Dad I'm home!" I shout while carrying two full bags of groceries in my arms, along with a goofy grin on my face. "Oh I know that grin" he says jokingly. "What grin?" I ask, obviously still grinning. "That's the look you have after Veronica leaves or you get home from Veronica's. I used to think it meant something else but judging that you were at a grocery store, I doubt that happened" he says. I roll my eyes, "really Dad?" I ask. He laughs and starts to help me empty the bags, "but I did run into her. She was buying stuff that she didn't bring home with her" I say, "It didn't feel real" I add. He nods "it'll take a while" he says. "Well we're all supposed to go to Pops for late night milkshakes and fries, is that cool?" I ask. He smiles, "sure, have fun with your friends. And Veronica" he says. I roll my eyes, "she's my friend dad" I shout as I walk out of my kitchen to my stairs. I hear him laugh and then he shouts, "Yeah keep telling yourself that, son."

This was probably boring. Things will be picking up soon. You'll all begin to understand the problems Veronica has, and if/how Archie helps her. And more juicy stuff, I have ideas 😉😂

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