Chapter 13

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3 days later

Veronica's POV
My eyes flutter open, and I slowly adjust to the bright lights. Where am I? What happened? I look around the room and I immediately recognize that I'm in a hospital. Suddenly the events of my accident rush back into my head. I was in a car accident with Reggie. "Good morning" a Doctor says, peeking her head in the door. "Hi" I croak, my voice still hoarse from not speaking for so long. "I'll get you some water" she says walking across the room and filling up a pink plastic cup. She brings me the cup and I take a sip from it, moistening my throat. "How do you feel?" She asks. I shrug "alright, still a bit foggy" I say. She nods, "that's normal. I'm going to do a quick exam and then you have a lot of people who have been waiting to see you" she says. I nod my head and she proceeds to perform her exam. "Am I still pregnant?" I ask out of the blue. "Yes, don't worry" she says. I shake my head "no I'm actually looking to get the pregnancy terminated" I say, hoping she'll offer to do it today. "Actually, with the condition you're in no doctor will perform a termination until you're back to yourself. But by the time you're better..." she fades out. "I'll be too far along for termination" I say, with tears filling my eyes. "I'm so sorry, I already informed your parents of this. I can go get them if you'd like" she says. I nod my head, causing tears to fall from my eyes. She squeezes my hand reassuringly and walks off out of my room to get my parents. When she closes the door behind her I let out the tears I've been holding in. I sob into my hands, until I hear the door open. "Mija" my mother coos as she walks over to my bed and sits down next to me, pulling me into her chest. "I have- I have to have a baby" I sob hysterically. "Shhh. I so so sorry" she whispers in my ear softly. My father sits on the other side of my bed and joins in on comforting me, but it makes no difference. My mother holds me like I'm a child and rocks me back and forth, until I'm able to breathe again.

My parents left for the cafeteria to get something to eat, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I'm lying on my side, staring out the window until I hear a knock at the door. I turn my head and see Archie standing in the doorway. I sniff "Come in" I say, not even hiding the fact that I was just sobbing. "Hey what's wrong are you in pain?" He asks frantically. I shake my head and say "no. But I need to tell you something" I say. He walks in and sits on the side of my bed, "First, I just want you to know that I still-" he starts but I cut him off, "Archie I can't have an abortion."

Archie's POV
"Archie I can't have an abortion" she says. I shake my head "what why?" I ask. Her eyes fill with tears "because I'm not recovered from the accident. And by the time it'd be safe to do the procedure I'll be too far along to terminate" she says. I sigh "Ronnie I'm so sorry" I say, taking her hand in mine. "Archie there is something else" she says. I take a deep breath, "what is it?" I ask. She looks away "my parents and I spoke about it and we decided I need to leave, just while I'm pregnant. I'm going to live with my Abuelita in Paris" she says choked up. "You're leaving?" I ask, feeling everything slipping away from me. "I'm so sorry. I don't want this but I can't be here, and pregnant" she says. I let go of her hand and stand up, "I can't believe you're just leaving" I say. "I can't stay here. You have to understand" she pleads. I sigh "I do. But Ronnie, I love you" I say. She holds back tears, "And I love you" She says. I sit back down on the side of her bed, closer this time. "When do you leave?" I ask her. "The day after they release me, I think 1 week" she says. I sigh "what are you telling everyone?" I ask, playing with her fingers. "Expanding my horizons" she says. I look down "what are you going to do after the baby is born" I ask. She shrugs "I don't know" she says. "Archie I'm really tired, can we talk tomorrow?" She asks. I nod my head, "Yeah" I say. She cups my face with her hand, "I love you, Archie. Always remember that." She says. I give her a sympathetic smile "I love you too" I say. She pulls me in for a kiss and I lean in the rest of the way, closing the gap between our lips. The kiss is soft and gentle, but it's perfect. We pull away and she gives me a small smile. I stand up and walk towards the door of her hospital room. "Goodbye Ronnie" I say, turning back to look at her. She smiles "goodbye arch" she says. I only wish that someone would've told me that I wouldn't see her again after that very day.

Sorry this is kind of short, that's just how I wanted this to end, and there was nothing else I could think of adding to he middle of the chapter.

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