Chapter 36

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6 years later (2 years before present day)
Archie's POV

Veronica Lodge was the kind of girlfriend that god gives you young, so you'll know loss for the rest of your life. But I am not the only one who will know loss for the rest of their life, because right now I'm standing at the funeral of one of my oldest friends, Reggie Mantle. I look across the casket and see Veronica Lodge standing with her 7 year old daughter, Reign, who is grieving her father. The priest clears his throat and starts the eulogy, "Reggie Mantle was a great man. He was dearly loved by his wife Veronica, and his daughter Reign. He spent his life with his family in New York and lived his life as a businessman. He will be missed. Now if we can all have a moment of silence for Mr. Reginald Mantle. Thank you"

Betty, Jughead, and I all approach Veronica and Reign who are saying thank you's to everyone who came. Once they walk away Veronica sees us and gives us a small weak smile, trying to stay strong for Reign. "Hey, V. How are you holding up?" Betty asks as she hugs her. "Hey Reign, why don't we go see your grandparents?" Jughead asks, sticking his hand out for her to take. Reign wipes her tears and takes Jughead's hand and walks off over to Hiram and Hermione. "I'm as good as I can be, my husband is dead and my daughter is confused" she says, with tears welling in her eyes. "Shh" Betty whispers, pulling her in for another hug. "Do you know what happened?" I ask softly. "It was a car accident. It was so fast, he died right away. We didn't even get to s- say goodbye" she stutters, trying to hold back tears. "Ronnie I'm so sorry" I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. She nods her head and steps forward to hug me. "Thank you so much for coming" she says quietly. I hug her back and nod my head, "I'll be there for you, always."

Present day (2 years after the funeral)

Veronica's POV

"Reign, honey you're gonna be late for school" I yell from the kitchen. "I'm right here Mom" she says, calmly strolling into the kitchen. For 9 years old she has it way more together than I do. "Ugh I'm sorry honey, it's just-" I start but she cuts me off. "2 years since daddy died, I know. Let's just get through today" she says as she sits down at the table. I sigh, "so today you have guitar practice with Archie at 4:30 so finish your homework, okay?" I ask her. She nods her head as she scoops cereal into her mouth, until we hear a beep outside. "That's Kaitlin's Mom, she doing carpool today. I love you have a great day" I say to her as I walk her to the door then kiss her goodbye. "Bye Mommy, Love you" she waves goodbye as she climbs in the car. I'd never tell this to Reign but every time she gets in a car and waves goodbye, it reminds me of the last time her father did the same.

2 years ago
"Do you really have to go?" I ask Reggie as I lay my head on his chest. He laughs and runs his fingers through my hair, "yes. The firm needs this client, so I'm going to meet with him" he says as I pout. I groan, "fine. I'll allow it. But I'm not happy about it" I say while pulling out of the hug. "Completely understood" he says with a smile. "Good luck, Mr. Businessman. I love you" I say with a smile on my face. He smiles back and leans down to kiss me. He pulls away and smiles wider, "I love you too. I will see you when I come home" he says as he walks over to his car. I back up from the car and smile at him as he steps into his car. He smiles at me over the dashboard and waves, mouthing 'I love you', before pulling out and driving away.

Present day
I shake the memory from my head and take a deep breath, trying to get through the day. My phone dings with a text and I walk through my house to the kitchen to grab it:

A: I'll be by around 4:30 for Reign's guitar lesson, wanna grab lunch around 1?

I slightly smile at my phone and I quickly text back.

V: Sure. Blue Hill Cafe?
A: Obviously, where else?

I laugh and put my phone back in my pocket, getting to work before lunch with Archie.

I'm sitting at an empty table at Blue Hill Cafe, where Archie and I always meet up for lunch. It's an equal distance between Lodge Industries and the music school that Archie works at. The bells above the door ring as he walks through, and I stand to greet him. "Hey, Archiekins" I say while hugging him. He laughs and wraps me in a hug, "Hey Ronnie. How are you?" He asks as we sit down. I nod my head, "I'm good" I say without any other context, making him narrow his eyes at me. "I'll be better tomorrow just... today" I say softly. He nods, "Yeah I get it. How's Reign? We can reschedule if she needs it" he says. I shake my head, "no she loves guitar lessons, it'll help. Honestly she keeps me strong lately" I say with a laugh. He smirks, "Well if she's anything like you, and I know she is, she will make it through" he says. I smile, "You know you're kind of my best friend, right?" I ask him. He smirks, "Yeah I know. You're mine too" he says.

We order our food and as the waiter walks away I look back at Archie, "so how is Ashley?" I ask him. He sighs, "Yeah we broke up" he says while sipping on his water. I roll my eyes, "again? Either dump her or marry her, it's simple" I say, making him smirk. "Well it's official this time. We're broken up, for good" he says. I laugh, "Archie you know I trust your decisions in your love life, but you've said that before" I joke. He nods, "Yeah well I mean it for once. I'm not going to settle, I want to find something with someone that's like what you and I had in another lifetime" he says. I smile and nod, "yeah that does feel like forever ago" I say quietly.

"Thank you for paying" I say as Archie and I approach my car. "And you didn't have to walk me to my car" I add. He smirks, "Yeah I know, I just wanted to make sure you're really okay" he says. I nod my head, "that's sweet, but I am okay. I will see you for Reign's guitar lesson" I say as I open my car door to head back to work. "Yeah, I'll see you" he says before walking away. I get in my car and sit down in the drivers seat. I look out the windshield and feel a pang in my chest, but different from how I usually feel when I think of my late husband. Guilt rushes over me as I realize what the feeling in my chest was. Throughout the past few months I've been trying to avoid the inevitable, the feelings I pushed away 8 years ago, slowly making their way back to the surface.

Hope you all like this 💕 Good news, I have an idea for my next book once I finish this one!

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