Chapter 22

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Archie's POV
I walk into school searching the halls for Ronnie, hoping to talk about what happened between us last night. I turn the corner down the hall where her locker is and to no surprise I see her slamming her locker closed, headed to the lounge. I walk faster so I approach her side before she can enter the lounge, "we have to talk" I say, holding onto her arm and leading her to an empty classroom. "What was that last night?" I question. "Well you seemed pretty into it, I'd assume you'd know what it was" she says. I roll my eyes "Yeah I know what it was but tell me why it happened and what it meant" I ask annoyed. She sighs "I don't know why or what it meant, all I know is that it left me even more confused than the day before. When it was happening it felt good and right, but afterwards I felt emptier than I did before. And that's not your fault" she says. I shake my head "if you didn't want to why did you let me?!" I snap, even though I know for a fact that this isn't her fault. "That's the problem Archie! I did want to!" She whisper yells at me. "I wanted to and we did, but knowing what I know now, after learning what it's like to carry a child, give birth, hold her once, and then give her away, doing what we did last night has too many risks, more than I'm willing to take" she says. I shake my head, "well then I'm sorry I made you feel like that"

Veronica's POV
"Well then I'm sorry I made you feel like that" he says sadly. "No" I say, quickly moving closer to him and putting my hand on his cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Last night was... amazing. I just want to be fully healed before we... you know" I say, making him smirk a bit. "I don't want to lead you on" I finish. He licks his lips and quickly nods his head. "I'll wait as long as I have to" he says, almost at a whisper. I try to hold back my smile but he catches it and smiles with me. "I'll see you in class" he says, before taking my hand off his cheek, kissing it, and walks out of the room.

When school is officially over I walk to the parking lot with a grin on my face. I don't know if this all has to do with Archie, or if I'm turning over a new leaf. Either way, I'm enjoying it, very much so. I get in my car and start up the engine, pulling out of the parking lot and headed for The Pembrook.

I walk off of the elevator, with the same stupid on my face, and walk down the hall to my front door. I open the door and the first thing I'm greeted with is my parents at the table with two strangers, who appear to be attorneys. "Whats going on?" I ask in confusion. "Mija these are lawyers representing the Adoption Agency we went through for Reign. They say the Boyer family would like to reassign your rights as her legal guardian" she says. I drop my stuff on the floor in shock, "so they want to give her back? Can they even do that?" I ask, louder than intended. "It's pretty unheard of but yes" one of the lawyers says. "I can't believe this" I stammer, sitting down at the table with all of them. "They wrote you a letter" my father says, handing me a sealed envelope. I take it from his hands and open it up, unfolding the letter:


We know this will come as a shock to you. Us giving back your daughter was the very last thing we wanted, and the last thing you needed, but a bond wasn't forming. She isn't attaching to us like a daughter would. Something tells me she can sense that we're not her biological family. Whether you believe in fait or not, just know, we believe she wants her mother. Please consider taking back your rights and raising her yourself. Either way there is a court date set for May 5th, we hope to see you there. If not she will be released into the foster system.

We're sorry,
The Boyer family.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I read the letter. I don't know how I feel. I know that I miss her like crazy and that I'd give anything to be in her life, and I know that raising her while going to school is going to be even more difficult. But I have to try, right. Take a deep breath and set the letter back on the table. I feel everyone's eyes on me and I look up at my parents and the lawyers and confidently say, "Let's get my daughter back."

Hope everyone likes this 💕

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