Chapter 10

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Veronica's POV
If someone were to ask me my biggest mistake, it would be a toss up between two distinct moments in my life. Sleeping with Reggie. And telling my father about the baby. "What happened, Veronica" he asks, standing out of his chair. Tears fall my from eyes, "I'm pregnant" I say. He clenches his fists and my mother stands from her chair, rushing to my side. She grabs my hand "Mija, how could you let this happen?" She asks. I shake my head "I don't know... I was just so heartbroken after Archie, and Reggie was just there" I say, wiping tears from under my eyes. "Are you sure it's Reggie's?" My mom asks me, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Yes. I'm positive" I say, wishing I were wrong. "We'll take care of this, Mija" my father says, walking to his study. "No wait, please daddy don't hurt him. Or Archie, it wasn't either of their fault" I say, pleading for him to stay calm. "I just want to take care of this. Discreetly" I finish. He takes a deep breath "fine. We'll schedule you a doctors appointment. We'll do it at a hospital so it seems like a routine check up, no one needs to know. You're not having this baby" he says. He walks into his study and I turn to my mother. "Mommy I really messed up" I sob like a child. She pulls me into a hug and runs her fingers through my hair. "Mija, you can mess up a thousand times and you'll still be the light of my life. There is nothing you can do to ever make us not love you" she says. I choke out another sob and she continues to run her fingers through my hair as I take deep breaths until I calm myself down. "Sweetie, I know you probably don't want to hear this but you should tell Reggie" she says. I pull away and look her in the eyes "what?" I ask, shocked that she wants me to even see him again. "Just sleep on it Mija" she says, ultimately ending the conversation. She kisses my forehead and walks off to my fathers study, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The next morning
"We're going to a meeting in the city. We'll be back after dinner, are you sure we can leave you here?" My mom asks. I nod my head "I'm fine" I say. I'm lying through my teeth, I'm pregnant, the last thing I am is fine. "Okay. We'll see you later" my dad says, before they walk out of our house. I walk through my bedroom and into my bathroom. I read online that even in the first month of pregnancy you can gain weight, and I feel heavier, so I pull out my scale. Before I was pregnant I weighed approximately 115 pounds, I step on the scale and numbers flash across the screen, until landing on 1 number. 122 pounds. I groan and step off of the scale, I know it's the stupidest thing to get upset over, it's not even 10 pounds. This still shouldn't be happening to me, my body shouldn't be adapting to pregnancy, because I won't be pregnant much longer.

I grab my phone and type a text to Reggie:

V: Can you come over? We need to talk
R: Sure. Omw

I click my phone off and sit back on my couch. Reggie is the last person I want to see, but he deserves to know I'm pregnant, and that I'm not keeping the baby.

15 minutes later there's a knock at the door and my stomach twists. I stand up and open the door, revealing Reggie with a cocky grin. "I knew you couldn't stay away" he says, walking in and trying to kiss me. "Yeah we're not doing this anymore" I say. He narrows his eyes "well then why did you text?" He asks. I roll my eyes "I said we need to talk. Just sit down" I say while gesturing to the couch. He walks in and takes off his varsity jacket, the jacket that Archie also has, but Archie's still seems different. Probably because his jacket in particular is wrapped around a nice and caring human, which is something I can't always say about Reggie or his jacket. I sit down on the other side of the couch and take a deep breath. "Okay I don't know how to say this but I'm just gonna come right out. Don't interrupt me" I say. He nods his head, "I'm pregnant. And I'm getting an abortion. I don't know when but it's happening. I just felt like you needed to know" I say. He takes a deep breath "holy shit" he mumbles. "But we used condoms" he says. That statement makes me want to punch him in the face, "they're only 97% effective, Reggie" I say. He nods "I know. I'm sorry, for what it's worth" he says. I smirk "I know, and I'm not mad at you. And I don't blame you, I mostly blame myself" I say. He shakes his head "it takes 2 to tango, V Lo" he says. I let out a small laugh, "let's go back to being friends" he says. I nod my head "that sounds great" I say with tears welling in my eyes. He pulls me into a friendly hug and I hug him back, "the occasional benefit?" He asks. I laugh a bit "don't push it, Mantle" I say. He laughs and rubs my back, before pulling out of the hug. "I understand why you're getting the abortion. I support you" he says. I smile "thank you" I say. He smiles back at me "I should get going to practice, I'll see you at school" he says. I nod my head and smile "I'll see you at school" I say. He stands off the couch and goes to the front door and walks out, closing the door behind him. I sigh and smile to myself, this is the first time in months that I actually feel like things are looking up. Finally, a silver lining. For now.

All I want is for Veronica and Reggie to be friends 😂 hope everyone liked this 💕 some crazy stuff is about to happen, hold on ;)

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