Chapter 39

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Veronica's POV

I'm waiting for Archie to show up at my apartment for the movie but he's around 15 minutes late now. I grab my phone and dial his number, hoping that nothing bad happened to him. The phone rings once, twice until he picks up:

A: Hey Ronnie, sorry I'm late. I'm coming now
V: oh okay. Is something wrong?
A:..... I'll talk to you when I get there

He hangs up the phone and I sigh. I can't take more drama between us right now. Things just got back to the way they were, and we can't mess that up now.

A few minutes later there's a knock at my door, which is weird because he knows he never has to knock. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing a distraught Archie. "Hey. What's wrong?" I ask him as he walks in my house. "Uh... a few weeks ago I ran into Ashley at a bar, I got drunk and we slept together" he says. I nod my head "Okay, why is your drunken stupidity just hitting you now?" I ask, sitting next to him on the couch. "When I left work Ashley was leaning on my car waiting for me, so we went on a walk because she said she had to talk to me" he says. My heart stops, because I know what he's about to say, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. "Archie" I say quietly, making him sigh and put his head in his hands. "She's pregnant" he says. I put my hand on the top of his back and rub back and forth, hoping to provide some comfort. "What am I gonna do?" He asks, finally looking up from his hands. "I don't know. Is she planning on having the baby?" I ask. He shrugs, "I'm not sure. She said she needed to think" he says. "What did you say?" I ask, hoping I'm not being too pushy. "I just said that I'll be there for her no matter what she decides" he says. I nod, "good. That's good" I say, still rubbing his back. He looks over at me and I look back at him, and we stay like that for god knows how long. Suddenly, he's leaning in, brining his lips closer to me. I almost pull back but my instinct makes me lean forward, capturing his lips with mine. I expected him to kiss me roughly but it's soft, he's only slightly sucking on my bottom lip. I move in closer to him and comb my fingers through his fiery red hair. He pulls at my waist, making me straddle his lap. Suddenly, I'm pulled back to my senses and I pull away, "you might be a father soon, we can't do this" I say. He looks at me, his eyes still filled with lust and excitement, "I know but-" he starts, but I cut him off. "But nothing Arch. I can't add you, your child and your baby-mama to my already over flowing plate" I say. He nods his head, "Yeah. I get it" he says. I take a deep breath, "maybe we should reschedule this movie thing" I say, trying to kindly tell him to leave. He nods his head, "Yeah. I'll see you later, Ronnie" he says. I nod my head and give him a small smile, "bye arch."

Two days later

Archie's POV

I haven't spoken to Ronnie since the night I told her about Ashley being pregnant, and the night we made out. Right now I'm sitting in a waiting room with Ashley, waiting to be called back for our first ultrasound. "Ashley Cameron?" the nurse calls from the desk. We stand up and walk over to the desk, then the nurse leads us back to our room. "The Doctor will be in soon" she says with a smile.

"Okay everything looks fine. Take your prenatal vitamins and come for your next appointment in 3 weeks" the doctor says before walking out of the room. I stand out of the chair and face the window while Ashley gets up and pulls her pants back on. "You don't have to look away you know, you've seen it before" she says. I shake my head, "Yeah well I don't need to see it again" I say. She sighs, "look Archie if you're just going to be like this throughout this whole pregnancy and raising the baby, just don't even bother being in it's life" she says. I sigh and turn around, "Okay you're right. I'm sorry, I just..." I fade out and she rolls her eyes at me. "You're afraid your precious Veronica won't be supportive of you and you'll never get her back" she says mockingly. I laugh, "Yeah it sounds even more pathetic when you say it" I say. She shakes her head, "not pathetic, it's sweet. You're trying. If she's really the saint you make her sound to be then she'll see that" she says, giving me a small smile. "I'll see you later" she says, while walking out of the exam room.

Veronica's POV

"She's pregnant?!" Betty gasps. I nod my head and sip my coffee, "she's pregnant" I say back. "I shouldn't be angry at him but, I am. He's so stupid. We kept having these moments, and I thought that maybe we could finally do it right. But then he goes and gets Ashley pregnant" I say, making Betty smirk. "What's so funny?" I ask her, not even trying to hide my utter annoyance. "Nothing. I just haven't heard you trying to have 'a moment' with anyone since Reggie died. It's nice" she says with a smile. I smile back at her and nod my head, "yeah it is. I just..." I pause, "I don't want Reggie to just be a stepping stone to me and Archie getting back together. Reggie meant something to me, he still does. I don't want Reign to think I only married Reggie because of her" I say while looking out the window of our favorite coffee place. Betty nods her head, "I get that. Just talk to her. She's a smart girl, and she knows how much you loved Reggie, and Archie before. She'll understand" she says. I smile at her, but still try to convince myself that Archie and I are a bad idea, when all I can think about is why we're a good idea.

Archie's POV

I hear my phone ringing on my nightstand and I jolt out of bed. I look at my clock and see its 2:37am, and I wonder who the hell would call me at this time. I pick my phone up and I see Ashley's name flash at the top of my screen. My heart drops and the first thing that comes to my mind, is something wrong with the baby?

Only 2-3 more chapters left. Hope you all like this. I'm already working on ideas for book #4 ;)

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