Chapter 41

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It's been a while since my last update so I recommend reading chapter 40 again so you can remember what happened

Archie's POV

I drive quickly through the streets, dodging the cars on their way home from work. I look at the clock and groan, Ronnie will be leaving work soon and I'll miss her. I take a left on the street where Lodge Industries Headquarters is located and I speed up when I see her walking out of the main entrance of the tall skyscraper. I pull up to the side of the road and screech to a stop, then jumping out of the drivers seat. "Ronnie" I yell to her, hoping she'll see me. She looks up in my direction and I run towards her. When I'm standing in front of her I'm gasping for breath and she's looking at me with confusion in her eyes. "What's going on? Shouldn't you be at the hospital?" She asks. I shake my head, "no. I should be here with you" I say. She narrows her eyes at me "That's even more confusing" she says. I sigh "Ashley lost the baby. And I'm not happy about that but Ashley told me that it happened for a reason, and that reason was so I can finally tell you the truth" I say. She takes a deep breath, "Okay. What's the truth?" She asks. I step closer to her and take her hand in mine, squeezing in lightly. "I'm in love with you" I say almost in a whisper. "Archie..." she says, her voice fading out. "I know there are so many factors, but let's not think of those. Tell me, do you love me or not?" I ask her, not even thinking twice about how pathetic I sound. "I love you" she finally blurts out, lifting a giant weight off my shoulder. I sigh and pull her in for a kiss, something I've been waiting forever to do. Despite her still wearing her stilettos from work, she's still slightly on her toes, which is something I've always loved. She pulls away but keeps her forehead on mine. "It only took us a year to get here" she jokes and I smirk, "it was totally worth it" I say. She smiles at me and closes the gap between us by kissing me again, rougher than before. "I love you" I say, making her smile before she whispers back, "I love you too."

1 year later
Veronica's POV

"I can't believe this is happening" I say while smoothing my dress out. Reign and Betty laugh and I turn to face them with my eyes narrowed. "What?" I ask them both. "Nothing Mommy, just that you've been saying that all day" Reign says. I laugh and look back at my long white dress, "you really want this too sweetheart?" I ask her, worried that Reign is only worried about my happiness. "Yes. I love you mom, and Archie. I want you to be happy. Daddy would too" she said. I smile and sit down next to her on mine and Archie's bed. "I love you, and I love you, B" I say. Betty smiles, "I love you too, V. I'm so happy you and Archie are back in Riverdale. And getting married" she says. A knock at the door pulls my attention from my girls and I stand up to open it. When I open the door I'm greeted by my mom and dad, making me smile. "You're here" I smile while I lean in to hug them. "Of course we're here, you're our only daughter getting married" my mom says. I laugh "second wedding but who is counting" I say. I lean in to hug my dad, "I'm happy you're here" I say quietly, for only him to hear. "I'm proud of you" he says, making me smile. "I'll see you in 15 minutes to walk you down the isle, Mija" he says, before kissing my cheek and walking out of the bridal suite.

Archie's POV

I walk through the cemetery in my wedding tux trying not to get dirt on it, mostly because Ronnie would kill me. I walk through the gravestones not remembering exactly where it is, but looking where I think it might be. Suddenly I find it. A big grey gravestone with his name engraved. Reginald "Reggie" Mantle. Husband. Son. Father. 2000-2023. I sigh and kneel down on the ground, not actually touching my knee to the ground in order to keep my suit clean. "So we've really had our differences in the past, not gonna lie about it" I start, already feeling crazy for talking to a stone. "But if there's one thing we always had in common it was her. You loved her as much as I do today, and now I'm marrying her. But you just gotta know that I'm not trying to replace you as her husband, or Reign's father. I promise I'll take care of them" I finish. I hang my head low and swallow a lump in my throat, "goodbye, man"

I walk back in the church and I see Jughead talking to Kevin and Josie. "Hey, guys" I say casually. Jughead narrows his eyes at me, "where were you? You were supposed to be getting ready" he says. "I am ready. I had someone to see" I say, "you didn't tell Ronnie did you? She'd kill me" I say. He shakes his head, "nah I knew you were coming back. You're crazy about her" he says. I smirk, "thanks, Jug. I think we need to take our places now" I say while checking my watch. "Right on time, Archie. Don't worry I won't tell V" Josie adds before walking back to the bridal suite where Veronica is. "Okay. Let's get this boring part over with so we can party" Kevin says as we walk up the stairs to the church, making me laugh.

Veronica's POV
"Okay, V. It's go time. You ready?" Betty asks. I take a deep breath. "As I'll ever be" I say with a hint of a laugh. She rolls her eyes, "you'll be great. See you up there" she winks while walking out of the suite. I take a deep breath and my dad walks in, "how you doing?" He asks. I laugh a bit "I'm nervous but I don't know why" I say. He shrugs, "I don't know why either. You're not scared of anything, Mija. Which used to scare the hell out of me, thanks for that by the way" he says, making me laugh. "Don't let me trip" I command while linking arms with him. He kisses my right temple and says, "I'd never."

As I stand in front of the closed church doors I take a deep breath until I hear the music change. I hear the rustling of everyone standing and the ushers start to pull the doors open. "Wait" I stop them, and they pause with their hands on the door handles. I take a deep breath and look down at my engagement ring. "Okay go" I say, and they pull the doors open. Archie is the first, and only, thing that I see.

Archie's POV

The doors open wide and I make eye contact with Veronica, and I smile instantaneously. Hiram and Veronica walk down the isle but it feels like forever. Finally they stand in front of me and Hiram takes Veronica's hand and places it in mine. He takes his seat and I help Veronica stand up on the alter. "You look beautiful" I whisper and she smiles, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest says, making me waste no time on kissing my new wife.

1 more chapter after this

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