Chapter 32

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This starts the part that not a lot of people will like... just remember I'm a varchie writer

Veronica's POV
I walk into school, trying to avoid as much controversy as possible. Which basically means avoiding Archie, no matter how much I want to see him. I walk into my homeroom, completely avoiding the lounge, and by no surprise, I run into Reggie Mantle. "Hey. Why aren't you in the lounge?" He asks right after spotting me. "I could ask you the same thing" I say while placing my Gucci bag on the ground and sitting in my desk. "Well I wanted to give Andrews some space, he's probably getting tired of seeing me around you all the time... which now isn't a help because you are here" he says. I smirk, "well that's nice of you, but we got into a fight so I'm not really looking for him right now" I say. He narrows his eyes, "you and Andrews in a fight? He worships the ground you walk on, what caused this sudden fight?" He asks. I sigh "it really isn't as sudden as it may seem. This has been building up since we got back together. And believe it or not the fight was about you actually" I say, completely regretting that I told him that. "Me? Did I overstep or something?" He asks. I shake my head, "no, not at all. He's just jealous, always has been. He thinks that your feelings for me are more than just friendly" I say with a hint of a laugh. He shrugs, "well they kind of are" he says. I'm taken back by surprise but he quickly reassures me, "as in the way I would feel for the mother of my child. More than friendly, less than you know, romantically" he says. I laugh it off, "oh, yeah that makes sense. Thanks Reggie, that's sweet" I say with a smile. He nods and goes to say something else, but the bell rings, dismissing us to 1st period.

Reggie's POV
I've been beating myself up since homeroom because of what I said to Veronica. It's official 3rd period and I cannot believe I almost admitted my feelings to her, thank god I saved it. She still with Andrews, and only wanted me for sex before, she doesn't actually have feelings for me. As people file into class for 3rd period I see Archie walk in, still avoiding my gaze. He probably wants to bash my skull in and take Veronica and Reign for himself. Veronica walks in and makes eye contact with Archie, and then quickly walks to her seat on the other side of the room. Archie leans his head back in frustration, then gets up to go talk to Veronica. I can't make out what they're saying but I can sort of tell he's asking her if they can leave, and she hesitantly agrees, then follows him out of the door.

Archie's POV
Veronica agreed to talk to me in a private spot, and considering that classes are happening right now, the only private spot is an empty stairwell. I lean against the wall of the stairwell trying to think of what to say to Veronica, the girl I'm desperately trying to figure out, but still somehow fell madly in love with. "I think we just need to say what we're truly feeling, we won't get through this if we don't" She says. I lift my head up to look at her, "you're right. I'll go first" I say. I take a deep breath, "When we were dating before Reign did you really love me then or did you fall for me the second time?" I ask, truly not knowing the answer. "Archie, is this serious?" She asks genuinely. I slowly nod and she sighs, "Archie of course I loved you. I loved you then and I love you now, did you really not know that?" She asks. I shrug, "I did, but then I found out about you and Reggie and the fact that you moved on so fast just made me..." I fade out. She hangs her head low, "I didn't move on, Arch. I was trying to cope with what you did, clearly we cope differently" she says. I nod and look at her until she looks up at me again, "Ronnie we do a lot of things differently lately" I say quietly, part of me hoping that she didn't hear me so I can pretend I never said it. "So what do we do?" She asks, tears brimming her eyes. I sigh, "Ronnie we both know what we need to do. We've been avoiding it, hoping we can make this work but we just-" I start, but she cuts me off. "We just can't" she says. "I'm so sorry" she says, tears spilling over. "Shh don't cry" I say, pulling her into my chest. "Don't apologize" I whisper to her as she hides her face in my chest. A minute later she lifts her head up and steps back, making my arms fall from her. "Well then I guess this is over" she says sadly. I nod, "Yeah. I guess it is" I say. She puts her hand on my cheek and runs her thumb along my cheekbone, "I'll always love you, Archie Andrews" she whispers, tears threatening to spill over. "I love you too, Ronnie" I say back. She takes a deep breath and pulls me in by my face, kissing me. I kiss back but it's over too soon, because she pulls away and walks out of the stairwell. Leaving me with a dozen regrets.

I'm sorry 😭
Also, my schedule is crazy lately, so updates will just come whenever I have time.

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