Chapter 28

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm a flop.

Veronica's POV
I wipe my hands off on the skirt of my dress, hoping that simply wiping sweat away will just as quickly ease my nerves. "Mija, don't worry" my mom whispers as we sit in the courthouse. I sigh, "all I'm doing is worrying" I whisper back. She shrugs her shoulders, "well then welcome to the joys of motherhood" she says. I take a deep breath and try to focus on the task at hand. I have to fill out paper work when the judge gets here and then I get Reign. She's already here. I suddenly feel completely different knowing that my daughter is in the same building as I am. "Veronica Lodge" an officer says, stepping outside of the court room doors. I stand up and walk over to where the officer is and I walk in the doors. "Veronica Lodge you're here to resume custody of your daughter, Reign Boyer is that correct?" He asks me, his loud voice booming through the room. "Yes, your honor" I say clearly, hoping that my nerves don't seep through my voice. "Well then you have some paperwork to fill out. Would you like to change her name?" He asks. "Yes. Reign Harmony Lodge" I say. He nods and starts writing something in the file. He hands the paper work to the officer and he brings them over to me. "Sign where the red tabs are" he says. I pick up the pen and start to sign my name, despite the shakiness of my hand. When I finish I slide the papers forward to the officer and he takes them over to the judge in a hurry. "Alright. Congratulations, Miss Lodge. She's all yours" he says. I stand up as he exits the courtroom into his chambers and I smile. She's all mine.

I'm sitting in a private room in the courthouse waiting for the social worker who has Reign. I sent my mom and dad home because I wanted to be alone with Reign. A knock at the door pulls me from my train of thought, "come in" I say, standing up. The door opens and a woman walks in pushing a stroller. "Hello, you must be Veronica. I'm Cindy Turner, we spoke on the phone a few weeks ago" she says, locking the brakes on the stroller and walking to shake my hand. "Yes hello. Nice to meet you" I say with a kind smile. "I'm sure your dying to get your hands on this baby, but first the family who first adopted her want you to know a few things" she says. I nod my head, and she reaches into her bag. She pulls a pink stuffed bear from her bag and hands it to me, "this is her favorite bear. She didn't form much of a bond with Mr. and Mrs. Boyer so that won't cause much of a problem" she says. "Alright" I say, trying not to make it obvious that I want this woman to leave. "That's it. That's all I'm needed for, congratulations" she says with a smile. "Thank you so much, Cindy" I say. She nods her head and walks out of the room. Leaving me with my daughter.

I take a deep breath and walk towards her. It's almost funny how intimidated I am by such a small little girl. I push the top of her stroller down so I can see her and she looks up at me with big brown eyes and dark black hair. My eyes fill with tears and I instantly feel a connection with her that I've never felt with anyone. I've never loved anyone or anything this fast or this much. "Hey Reign, I'm your mommy" I coo, reaching down to pick her up. Considering that she is 6 months old she is able to hold her own head up, and she feels almost 25 pounds. She giggles and puts her hand on my cheek and I smile. I rest her on my hip and kiss her head lightly, and then softly brush away my lipstick. She rests her head in the crook of my neck and I can feel her rest her body onto me. I smile and a tear falls from my eyes, "I love you" I whisper to her. I stand there in the middle of a room in the Riverdale courthouse with my daughter finally in my arms, completely at peace.

Sorry this is kind of short but this is just how I wanted this chapter to end

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