Part 2

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We started our breakfast. I was pondering on how to talk to sanskar. All the maheshwaris were present on the dinning table apart from him. Chit chatting about stupid stuff. Mr. Dp asked me about my new story. So i told him that its still going on after that they again went to their professional talks.

I wondered if it was a business meeting combined with breakfast but forget it. I saw sanskar sneaking in. He looked towards us not noticing that i was looking at him. He tried to sneak in but mr. Dp asked him some questions which turned to be such an argument and fight that he left the mansion forever. Like forever?

Where would i find him now? Meeting him after three years and not getting a chance to talk to him and apologizing is seriously a dumbest thing one could do. I went to Kavita and saw Sirach with her. Urghh….why is he here? I don’t want to talk to him but now some talk is going to pop up.

“Hey Swara…come”Kavita asked me to settle down beside her.

Listen Kavita… i need to talk to about our..

“Before that let me tell you girls we are leaving tomorrow afternoon” Sirach cut me in between.

I m not coming back.

“What do you mean?” Sirach asked.

I need to clear the mess you created some years back. So m not coming back. I don’t think till now you have some guilt in you about that day but atleast for our upbringing you need to apologize to Sanskar.

“She’s right” kavita supported me.

“His parents and brother does not care about him. Why we should bother?” Sirach trying us to convince not to have guilt.

“Are you guys talking about sanskar?”

I heard a familiar voice of course it was sahil.
I don’t know from yesterday i feel irritated to talk to him but its time to change the topic or should we tell him? Or does he know about it? Even if he knows he doesn’t remember other things than his own motives and things revolving around himself.

“Do you know about sanskar? I mean what happened 3 years ago to him?” Kavita questioned him to which he scratched his head and replied

“I guess he was trying to figure out what ge wanted from life or something or may be he was attending college or god knows what”

It was pointless asking him i felt. But he stuck on to his question and asked kavita why was she questioning him. I hit my head for that. Now we need to tell him what actually we were talking about but the problem was this relationship with Kavita. If something happened to their relationship i would never be able to forgive myself as Kavita madly loves him. But then i thought it wont make a difference for him as he doesn’t care about his brother.

I left maheshwari mansion forever. I wish i could delete those bitter memories from my past. It was my bad i was born there and again when i went to Delhi my bad luck followed me. Even though i had everything i had nothing.
There was no love in my life. Everyone treated me like a roadside dog. Anytime they wanted they would feel bad and pity at me or sometimes just drive me away from their eyesight. Why me all the time? But never the less i would come over it. I took the first aid kit from the and started applying oinment on my fist. I just broke the window of my dad’s brand new car which arrived as i was coming out.

“We should go to the doctor for that.. you might get infection” Nikhil looked at me in concern.

Not needed…. and he did not reply back.

This was the very fact i liked about him. He never forces me to do anything nor judges me. He accepts me as who i am. He would listen to me, follow my orders and even take my punches and kicks when i would be angry. I know that’s rude but even when i apologized he would not mind.

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