Part 3

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the past was that i was in love with him. He too had same feelings for me and the night i expressed my feelings to him it turned to be a very special and we got intimate.

Next day everything turned out wrong. The moment Sanskar came in Sirach’s eyesight he was beaten up so badly and was accused that he had raped me. Sanskar looked at me for answers.

“Stop looking at her. It was all our plan… whatever happened she did it on my saying and yea whatever she said about your love and all was all fake” sirach slapped him and said.

“Swara answer me” sanskar had those eyes with some hope.

“Whatever bhai said is right… what you thought you would insult my elder brother and escape so easily? ” there was no guilt in swara’s eyes which made sanskar more angry. Later he was thrown out of college being accused.

“Wait! I don’t think swara is such a person then why did you do it?” Sahil looked at kavita.

“Ofcourse sahil swara didn’t know what was happening she was drugged by sirach with Ambien Cr(hypnotic drug). It was all planned when swara came to know about it,it was too late. Sanskar had left the city and now we see him.” Kavita explained.

“So this is the reason he’s angry with you and you want to clear it to him. Right?” Sahil questioned me.

I just nodded not knowing what should i say ahead though their relationship was not strong but they were brothers after all.

“I will help you clear the mess…but do you still love Sanskar?”

No…i mean i.. whatever. But the problem is that we are leaving tomorrow and the way sanskar is behaving i don’t think this is going to be sorted so soon.

“About your leaving to delhi leave that to me. I will make plans. You don’t worry.” Sahil told me with concerned.

For the first time i was not irritated with him. We left his office and went back home. I opened my bag and removed a bracelet.

Memories started flashing me.

Sanskar enters the classroom full of students and sees an empty seat near swara and sits there. With no professor coming in the class everyone in their own routine sanskar was left with no option but removing his PSP and start playing while sanskar was in virtual world swara was reading a novel.

“Come on sanskar… you can do it. Just 30 seconds …just 10 more…”

Swara looked at the person who was self motivating himself and chuckled inside seeing him play there like a 10 year old boy. Just then her trance broke with a bang on the desk leaving swara to see her broken bracelet.

“Shit.. how could you lose. You’re such a looser”

Ohh hello! Remove your frustration elsewhere. You just broke my bracelet.

“Ohh m so sorry… i m really sorry. I will get a new one for you. Its just that..”

Its ok.. it was old enough. Don’t need to get a new one.

“No no it was my mistake”

Let it be.. its ok.

Swara sees him and asks him whether he is new.

“Yea.. actually here for my training in martial arts. Will be here for two months”

Ohh that’s cool..

“By the way you’re looking beautiful with your hair open this blue floral dress and those heels. Just perfect. ”

Swara was stunned after listening to all of it he had noticed so much in her.

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