Part 4

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Her pov
As the plan progressed step one was to search for sanskar and then I would go and talk to him directly and apologize to him about that day. Actually apology was the least I could do for him. Frankly speaking I just wanted to remove that guilt from my head. But deep inside me, I knew that I wanted him back in my life.

We went to a hospital for sahil's routine checkup. As kavita sat there outside waiting for him I got a call from my manager and due to bad signal and being in a hospital I couldn't scream so I had to rush out immediately.

There I bumped onto a guy. "sorry" I blurted out while I saw him ignoring me and collecting his medicines. Wait he is Nikhil. He got up immediately collecting his medicines and avoiding me he started walking out. I called his name several times but he ignored.

I ran after him, and got into the elevator he was getting into, along with him. Luckily it was only us.

"look Nikhil, I know for some reason you too are angry with me for what I did with sansakr. But I need a chance to say sorry to him, and apologize to him. Please I beg of you. Please let me meet him once."

"look swara, he is really trying to forget what you have done to him, infect he is trying hard and hurting himself. He has gone through a lot. I can't take a risk by staking his life now."

"what do you me staking his life?"

"what I mean is.

Bing! The elevator opened up and there stood sanskar staring blankly at me and then at Nikhil. I saw his hand bandaged. Something is really wrong with him. I got of the elevator along with Nikhil, I saw sanskar's eyes turned red, it was not anger for sure but. . . it looked like he had not slept and was crying.

I could see tears forming in his eyes but then it turned to become anger. He turned immediately and left running.

"bro... listen"
I heard Nikhil running behind him calling out his name loudly. Before I could do anything they left my sight. I turned to see who had tapped on my shoulder.

"why are you crying swara?"

Kavita asked, to which I myself realized that I had tears in my eyes. I just wiped them off and ignored her.

"sahil are you done? I want to go home and please find out about sanskar soon."

"yeah swara, I am done. Infact I have called and asked my contacts to find out about him"

I nodded my head and we left the hospital.

"swara you didn't answer my question yet?" kavita asked as we settled in the car.

"I just saw a women crying on her husbands death"

"are you sure?"

"yes" I could feel that kavita was not satisfied with my answer. But I had to contact Nikhil, he knew something about sanskar and my past. And top of that he was talking about sanskar and his life at stake. But what was that about? Was he okay?

I could feel the pain in his eyes, he had been crying out all night, he had those red eyes evident of the fact that he was crying and the reason was simply me.

As soon as we get down the car sahil calls someone and asks that person to come home immediately and walks inside followed by me and kavita. As I was about to step inside I was pulled by kavita.

"tell me now why were you crying?"
"I did tell you"

"stop lying, for gods sake I m trying to help you out because I know after I get married you wont even bother to open up to any of the others at home, and whether they will be bothered about you. So please tell me why were you crying for the last time"

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