Part 16

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2 weeks later

Sanskar, Nikhil and Uttara were in the hall watching TV. Swara had gone out in the morning but had not returned yet.

It was almost 7 but she wasn't home yet so Sanskar tried calling her that time only she entered.

Uttara greeted her, Swara smiled back and left for the room. Sanskar sensed she's not well, he went behind her but she had gone to the washroom.

Sanskar waited for her but then went out because Nikhil called him. She came out and took her phone and tried calling Kavita but after several attempts she didn't pick up. So she threw the phone on the bed in frustration and went out in the balcony.

Sanskar came back and went to her. She was looking outside, tears flowing from her eyes.

"Swara?" Sanskar saw her crying and was confused as to why was she crying because he hadn't done anything.

She turned and hugged him. Sanskar patted her back.

"What happened Swara?" He asked with concern, she hugged him tighter. Sanskar was getting scared as to what exactly happened.

"Swara, shhh don't cry. Tell me at least what happened. Why are you crying? Did I do something?"  She broke the hug and nodded in a no.

"Then why are you crying?" He cupped her face and wiped her tears and made her sit on the bed.

"No, you didn't do anything."

"Anyone said something to you? Anyone misbehaved with you? Tell me Swara, I will see that person."

"No, none did anything to me." She said sniffing her nose.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Woh, they didn't like my book, so they didn't want to publish it. You know na, how much hard work I did to write it. But they said they didn't like it and then they won't be publishing my next three books." She sobbed.

"Shh! Calm down Swara. It's okay. What happened if they're not publishing, there are so many other publishers. Try again somewhere else."

"No, I m a bad writer that's why they aren't publishing my book. I failed in my career."

"Swara just because they are not publishing your book that doesn't mean that you are a bad writer. I read your books and trust me you are a awesome writer so please don't cry and feel bad about this. I m sure there are others waiting for you to come to them."

"Really? You think I can do better?"

"Yes Swara, just because others tell you you're not good doesn't mean that you're bad. You have to keep faith in yourself. Don't fall weak easily. "

She hugged him, and Sanskar rubbed her back making sure she calmed down. They stayed like that for sometime. She fell asleep in his arms. He laid her down on the bed and pulled the comforter over her and turned off the lights.

Swara's phone started buzzing. Sanskar looked over to see Kavita calling. He kept it on silent and on the side table but it kept on ringing. So he picked up.

"Swara are you fine? What happened you called so many times? Is there any problem? Swara?" She spoke hurriedly and worriedly at once not giving Sanskar a chance to speak.

"Swara tell me na, what happened? Is everything ok?"

"Kavita, it's me Sanskar"

"Sanskar? What happened is Swara fine? Did something happen to her?"

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