Part 19

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Next morning Swara got up, hardest thing ever was to get herself out from his embrace, but she had to. She had to confront Sirach about yesterday. She had to ask him.

She looked at Sanskar who was fast asleep so she bother to wake him up and who knows what he would do to him. She had seen him during street fight. He would beat the shit out of him. That would be a big trouble. She left without waking him up.

The breakfast table, she spotted him having his breakfast, along with other family members. Everyone was present there except two of them, but what irked her more was Maheshwari family members were there. She gave them a disgusted look and turned to Sirach.

"Sirach I need to talk to you now" her voice was cold.

"Swara, let him have his breakfast, then talk, come you also join us." Sharmista smiled at her but Swara was in no mood, Sirach ignored her and continued eating.

"Sirach I said now!" He ignored her again. Everyone looked at Swara as to why she was fuming. She walked towards where he sat and pulled him by his collar, surprising everyone, threw the plate.

"This can be done later get that! I want to talk to you"

"Swara calm down! Why are you fuming so much? What has happened? What did he do to you that you are so angry?" Shekhar asked worriedly.

Swara pushed sirach "I told you right, stay away from Sanskar and me. Why are you behind him? What have we done with you? You are so shameless that you are not even guilty about what you do" he looked down.

"Swara! What did he do?" Sharmista asked with concern.

"He drugged Sanskar last night. God forbid if something happened to him, then?  he has medical treatment going on and he's not supposed to have anything like that but your son drugged him, if something happened I would have killed you right here. Get that!"

"Swara he's your elder brother you can't talk to him like that, and I m sure this is a misunderstanding. He must've not done it purposely"

"Right! Wow! Defend him, for his wrong doing. Ask him to open his mouth and speak out the truth."

"Sirach say something"

"Swara, I know I had got hash brownies, but I didn't give anything to Sanskar nor went near him after I saw you two together. I don't know what you're saying. I m saying the truth"

"Swara he's right, he didn't do anything this time, it was me this time who gave him the brownie but I didn't know about it being drugged and also about Sanskar" Kavita explained.

"Swara it's okay now, apologize to him. Let's get done with this matter, let's not drag it more" shemish said together.

"Apologize my foot! Why don't you question him about the hash brownies? What was need for him to get them?"

"Swara it's was party and things happen this way, it's okay. I m sorry, I shouldn't have kept them in open."

"He's apologizing for it, so I think you should forgive him Shona and why are you so angry about this thing? It's not only this but why are you angry on him so much? I have observed this before also, it's not only today." Sharmista questioned Swara, while she looked at Sirach angrily.

"I have to go to Sanskar, he might need something" Swara tried to excuse herself but shemish stopped her.

On the other hand, Sanskar was sleeping peacefully, his sleep broken by the phone call, it rang several times, he got up holding his heavy head. He looked at Swara's phone,it was kartik calling. He thought it would stop but it didn't he picked up.

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