Part 14

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His pov

Oh, so madam is busy with her work, what about me? She doesn't know as if I am angry with her. She should come to me to say sorry, but no she's ignoring me.

I will also not talk to her. I will also show that I can get angry on her. But wait, I m already angry with her for so many things and top of that I don't need her sympathy.

What is wrong with you Sanskar?! You're going mad with this marriage. You better sleep.

End of his pov.
It's morning, since Sanskar told Swara not to cook for anyone, she didn't.

"Bhai, where's my tiffin?" Uttara screamed as she was getting late.

Sanskar came out from the gym. "What?! Didn't Swara make food?"

"I can't see anything, and Swara is sleeping Bhai, how she'll prepared. You prepare usually"

"But from 2-3 days she's cooking, so I didn't come to the kitchen."

"Okay, fine. I m getting late. I'll have something from the canteen. Bye bhai"

"Are, but Uttara..." Before he could complete she left.

Sanskar walked angrily as he didn't let anyone go empty stomach. So he went directly to his room and woke Swara up who was on the floor.

"What happened Sanskar?"

"Why you didn't cook? Poor Uttara had to go on empty stomach. If you can't take responsibility then why you take it?"

"You were the one who told me not to cook. So how m supposed to know whether to cook or not."

Sanskar rolled his eyes and went from there. Swara also got ready, she had an important meeting with Kartik, so she was packing her stuff.

She came out with her bag and was wearing her shoes and putting something in her bag.

"Where are you going now?"

"I have a meeting with Kartik, I'll come by evening mostly. It's important."

"Okay, where is it?"

"Some bristo cafe in the mall which we visited yesterday. "

"Come, I'll drop you"

"I'll manage"

"I m going that side, to give Uttara her lunch. It's on the way."

Swara nodded and both left. After dropping Swara, he went to give Uttara her tiffin and then left for his routine swimming.

When he came back he was notified about the fight. Nikhil on the other hand didn't know about this, because Sanskar sent him with Uttara.

So he had to go alone, when he was on the way he saw Swara, then got irritated that she was supposed to be at meeting and looking at his watch she should have been at home. He went up to her.

"Are you not supposed to be at home at this time?"

Swara looked at him shock, as she didn't know he was following her.

"I was going only, why ?"

"I didn't know that your meeting was here, instead of the mall but you're a liar. So why am I even asking you all this"

"Right, so tell me are you following me?"

"In your dreams, I have work here. Actually I can show you what I feel about you. Come I'll show you and you wanted to know about my job right come, see for yourself."

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