Part 15

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Swara came home, only to find Sanskar alone. She looked at him and then went to freshen up, after coming out, she saw him sitting on the bed.

"I wanted to say something" she started.


She took a deep breath "I respect your decision and if you think that we should get divorced then I will not force this marriage on you. I promise I will leave."

"Some sense prevailed."

"But I have one condition"

"What now?"

"You have to treat me as your friend. I know you don't even want to see my face but since you and I are going to stay together only and things between us aren't good but still please at least don't have that anger on me."

"Huh? Are you serious? You and my friend? Ask your self if  you can call yourself my friend after doing all that to me"

"I know I don't even deserve your trust or anything but at least try to mend things between us and try to forget about past?"

Sanskar remained quiet. Swara also stayed quiet and got back to her laptop.
It's about 4 am. Sanskar is in his room sleeping while Swara is in the hall.
Nikhil comes there to see the lights on so he goes to Swara.

"What are you doing up here so late?"

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. The publishers have asked for a copy to read about my next book. If they like it then I m sure I will get huge amount of money plus they will be publishing my next three books. I still have to do some proof reading then I will be done with the book."

"You mean today? It's 4:30am. Haven't you got any sleep?"

"Oh yes, it's today. I am done with this. I was going to sleep now. What are you doing at this time?"

"I saw the lights on so I came here. I had gone to drink water."

"I need to talk to you about Sanskar. It's important should we?"

"Yeah sure"

"You know about karma? How can you allow him to do such things? It's so dangerous, if something happens to him then? You know the danger about this right? So badly he gets hurt. So how can you?"

"At least he is surviving like this. I can see him doing something and he is alive. Otherwise he had become a living dead. He tried to kill himself."

"What do you mean?"

"After the Delhi incident, he came back and was so shattered that he almost locked himself in the room for an entire month. No communication with anyone. He wouldn't even utter a word. He stopped going out. He had made the room his world, no emotions were displayed on his face. He was going through depression so much that doctors advised that if he wouldn't be able to survive. Before that he even tried to suicide."

Listening to this Swara was shocked, there were so many things which she didn't know.

"After lot of efforts and medication he was getting better but still his surviving chances were weak plus he would blame himself for everything that happened which wasn't doing any better. It had happened in the past too, that time my parents took care of it but  this time chances were less. After a year of medical treatment doctors advised that he should get engaged in something that he likes at the same time cure his anger which was suppressed. Then he found this, I know it's dangerous but I don't take it to extreme. I know when to stop this. But by doing this if I can see him alive then I will not let him back off."

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