Part 5

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His point of view

Irritated I sat, from morning I was getting sorry cards, I had received almost hundreds of them. This girl had lost her brains. Bloody hell. Giving a warning to the watchman, "if at all, I receive anything from anyone or anyone tries to enter my apartment without my permission you watch out, you must have heard about KARMA right?"  Scared he assured me that no one but only Nikhil will come to the app and if any one else then he would be calling me.  Great, not more than that I spoke to him and was sitting as calmly as possible.

Nikhil had gone to see his ex Uttara, she had some problem and urgently had called for him. I intended to go with him but he refused, assuring me that he would call if anything needed. 

I started watching TV and guess what's the news ' famous actor, Sahil Maheshwari is soon going to tie a knot with the gorgeous fashion designer Kavita Bose'.

Changed the channel, same news, over and over again. Like people don't have any other work just to gather shitty news, and worse part is that Swara is here because of this and will be here till the wedding. Holy crap!

Either I have to leave or she, which is not possible. I need to think something. She won't give up that easily on me, after all she is Sirach's sister, the same guy who just for a slap ruined my life and this Swara just to prove a point god knows where she will end up going.

Brushing my thoughts away, and i began working out. After an hour or so, I finished up with my working out and went to freshen up.

Her point of view

Sent him hundreds of sorry cards, only asking him to see me once but no. Not even a single reply came back. I wrote hundreds of cards to him but he couldn't reply one.

Forget replying all I got was the same cards, as the watchman and security refused to send cards to his house and they had returned back. The look on their faces were evident of fear. All they murmured was KARMA,  I wonder who the hell is he that they're very afraid if him.

I looked at my wounded fingers, it gave me some hope. The only time I felt slight concern on his face, was just enough for me to think that he still cares about me. Though he didn't show it up, but I knew he was concerned.

I needed to get my brains running, I don't know what to do next, what should I do so that he listens to me? 

But the fact is he is never going to listen to me. The only person he listens to is his friend Nikhil. Should I contact him? But he clearly mentioned not to mess things up and Sanskar's life in danger how can I forget that.

Crap! Crap! Should I go to his apartment again? But how. . .

"Come Swara," Kavita dragged me out. I forgot about the party. Yes, in this tensed situation she wants to party. I refused but the thing is she is going to get married in two weeks, and forever go from our house. Like permanently shifting. I can't make her sad about my mess now. Let her enjoy her spinster days.

We reached some club where she showed me her friends and the rest chit chatting and the crowd dancing around. I found out a silent corner and was going through my emails and having drinks. 

The moon was shinning bright, as he sat near his window reading a magazine and listening to music. The door clicked open.

The two familiar people standing, and behind them the security guard. 

"Sir I tried calling you but . . . And Nikhil sir said he will handle. Please sir. . . Forgive me. "he pleaded while the two stared at them blankly.

"You go" as Sanskar looked at the two souls scared in front of him.

"Come in now, stop staring at my face" he closed the door behind them as they entered.

"Bro, I need to tell you something important"

"Sit down, relax. Let me get you some water"

As Sanskar offered water for both of them and sensed the tensed situation.

"What's the problem?"

"Bhai, I m pregnant and obviously my parents have thrown me out of the house and asked to abort the child and be back"
Uttara blurted out, it took seconds for Sanskar to grasp what she said and looked at Nikhil.

"Okay. So you want to abort the child? Or. . .

"Of course not Bhai, enough of them asking me what to do and what not to. I don't want to abort the baby, because of them I already had done a mistake breaking up with Nikhil but not anymore, I m not going to do this"

"So what have you decided?" Sanskar looked at Nikhil.

"We want to get married, but I hope you don't have any problem with me and her coming "

"Have you lost it, idiot! Why will I have problem? This is your decision and I always want you two to be happy."

Both smiled at him and hugged him. Later the trio had dinner together and were sitting and watching TV.

"Waise I have one issue though" Sanskar looked at them.

While both of them shared tensed looks.

"What Bhai?" Uttara looked at him.

"What will the baby call me? Chacha or Mama? Because both of you call me Bhai. Now what am I supposed to do?"

All laughed.

"Bhai, you have nine months to decide which one you like as per your wish our baby will call you" Nikhil cleared.

"Yeah you're right, come now Uttara should take rest, it's already late and she should be sleeping, go make her bed and make sure she's comfortable." Sanskar ordered and immediately Nikhil went.

"If you need anything please feel free to ask me, if Nikhil doesn't permit you okay?"

"Okay Bhai"

"Now go sleep, we'll talk tomorrow. Good night"

"Good night Bhai".

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