Part 8

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The well secured hotel due to the reception was creating a problem. He had been there waiting some how to get in, but looking at him only and his clothes no one was letting him in.

He begged them to let him in, but no one was willing to. Finally after about half an hour one of the servants from Maheshwari mansion was going up and recognized Sanskar, so they let him in.

Sanskar ran in a furry to the terrace, he looked around almost everywhere but she was not there. Anger was boiling inside him now. He ran towards the reception party.

The crowd was dancing, while some were wishing the newly married couple, others having food and others were leaving.

Sanskar's death shot eyes were looking for Swara, he looked around for sometime more and once he spotted her dancing, it was the end of everyone's happiness.

It just went around near the dj and put the music off, wires were removed from the plugs. Everyone looked at the direction as to why the music stopped.

The dj saw the retreating figure heading towards Swara, all the family members were shocked to see his state. Bloody eyes, his blood soaked clothes and tear stained eyes.

But he wasn't bothered. All he did was wrapped his fingers around her wrist and started dragging her. In the meantime, no one knew what was happening and why he was behaving that way.

"Sanskar leave Swara, are you in your senses? Let go of her" Sirach shouted.

"Sanskar beta, where are you taking Swara?"

"Sanskar stop it! Why are you dragging her? Stop making a scene in front of everyone."

"Sanskar, leave her"

"Durga Prasad, what your son is doing to our daughter, ask him to stop it. What is wrong with him?"

But he didn't listen to anyone. Swara was quiet. He dragged her till the entrance but then Sirach stood there in their way.

"I m not letting you take her, get that. Let go of her hand. You will regret this later. "

With that Sanskar gave him a punch, making his nose bleed, in matter of seconds his nose was dripping with blood. Everyone was shocked to see this.

"If anyone of you tries to come in my way, you will face worse consequences then this."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. I will come back soon."

With that he left, he pushed Swara on the seat of his Jeep and drove as soon as possible.

"Sanskar what happened? Why are so furious?... Is everything alright? ... how did you get hurt? "

"Say something Sanskar, what happened?"

He ignored her throughout the way. Once he reached the hospital he again dragged her.

"Sanskar, tell me at least why are you got me here? Why are you so furious? How did you get hurt?"

He got her near the operation theater, Uttara was sitting out and crying but as soon as she saw Sanskar she wiped her tears.

Sanskar pulled Swara to the mirror door, what Swara saw was out was her mind.

"How did he ?...

"How did he? You're asking me? How? Look at uttara, she is his wife, she's pregnant we should be keeping her happy, but no. See, you want to know how?!"

"Bhai leave it! We're in the hospital. Let her go"

"No Uttara, she should know what is happening because of her"

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