Part 9

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Maheshwari Mansion

The morning had brought hope to everyone, not sure of what was going to happen. The Bose family were having their morning meal, thinking Swara's absence might be due to tiredness of the previous night. While the newly wed couple were descending the stairs hand in hand and Durga Prasad and sujatha were already seated on their respective place.

They were having their breakfast peacefully and happily. It was after the meal, both, Bose and the new couple would leave for the airport.

As they continued their chat, the claps heard by them made them turn behind. Yes, there was another just married couple in the mansion. It was Sanskar and Swara, her hair line filled with vermilion, her neck adorned with mangalsootra. Everyone stood rooted there in their places looking at them.

"What's happening here Sanskar? What is Swara doing with you, like that?" An angry dp questioned him.

"Dear Dad, remember what you said about me last week? I will not get a girl in my life, I'll be alone and what not! But look, I have got you a Bahu, we're married"

"Stop this nonsense Sanskar, Swara will never marry you in her senses. It's you who has done something to her" Sirach shouted.

"Really? Why don't you ask her then? I never forced her to get married to me, everything happened with mutual agreement. Why don't you tell them Swara."

"He's right, I have married to him with my consent. He's not forced me into this. I willingly married him."

"Why Swara? There's something you're hiding from us. Yesterday he took you forcefully and now, if you wanted to get married then why not in front of us?" Shekhar questioned his daughter.

"Baba, yes he took me yesterday because he came to know about my alliance being fixed with someone else that's the reason he was angry. I didn't want to come back and get married to someone, because I...I... h..hi.m."

"I don't believe her dad, she's making up things. She doesn't love Sanskar. Sanskar has done something to her, and you know he's not even a good person. You see he doesn't even earn, he's just there and top of that he's abandoned by his family. You think why is he doing it dad?" Sirach started throwing questions at his father and then looked at Swara.

"Stay out of this sirach, it's between mom dad , uncle , aunty, and us. You keep your mouth shut. We're talking here, you don't need to interfere." She stared at him angrily.

"Sanskar stop this nonsense of yours, I know you're doing this just to prove me that you can get someone in your life. But stop it, don't spoil Swara's life like that" dp shouted at him back.

"Well, well, stop accusing me. We have not come to prove you something, we're here to seek blessings from you and take Swara's belongings. I stopped proving you long back Mr. Durga Prasad Maheshwari. I don't want any more drama. I guess you all are informed, if you want give us your blessings or I don't mind accepting curses also." Sanskar cleared.

"But beta, if you two wanted to get married only, why not in front of us? Why did you hide from us Swara? And now why all this all of a sudden?" Swara's mom looked at them for answers.

"Aunty, I mean mother in law, we didn't want to spend lavishly, like Sahil and Kavita and show people how much we love each other. Marriage is between two people who are in love, and that's what we are in, right Swara?"

Swara looked at him surprised, how could he even tell a lie about love to everyone so openly. Or was he still in love?

"Mom, dad he's right. What's the big deal now? We wanted to be together and we are happy with each other. It's fine if you're not accepting it now, but sooner you accept the better it is. You should know that I love Sanskar and will be happy with him. So stop making a fuss out of a petty thing. I will be fine with him." Only her heart knew how much she's been lying and trying not to break down in front of them.

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