Part 17

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Next day

All were at home, Uttara and Nik were watching TV and SwaSan we're reading books.

"Swara, your books were going to be published right? When will they release?" Uttara asked a bit excited.

"No Uttara, actually my publishers didn't like my work. So I have to find someone else." Swara smiled.

"Oh okay, don't worry there are so many others you will find someone." Uttara smiled back giving Swara a little hope.

Sanskar looked at them and turned his head as soon as Swara was looking at him. Nik observed both of them, they were looking at each other time and again but would turn their faces when they were caught by each other. He smiled and shook his head.

"Bhai?" He spoke softly but Sanskar was busy looking at Swara he didn't hear. "Bhai?" He again called him but Sanskar didn't hear him again. "Bhai!???" This time he almost screamed drawing all the attention from Swara and Uttara and Sanskar too came out of his trance.

"Huh? What happened why are you screaming?" Sanskar asked startled.

"Your phone is buzzing"

"Okay thanks" he took the phone and went to his room.

Swara was looking again and again at the side where Sanskar had gone.

"Waise Uttara I think we will need some pain relief spray" Nik joked.

"Why Nik? What happened?" Uttara asked in confusion because she was busy watching TV she didn't notice SwaSan.

"Because if someone tilts her head again and again, she'll get sprain on her neck na, so obviously we will need something to cure that." This time Uttara realized what was happening so she smiled a bit while Swara buried herself in the book in embarrassment.

"You can go in the room Swara, I don't think he'll mind. Maybe the call was just a excuse to call you inside." Uttara teased Swara.

Swara felt her cheeks heated. She ignored them and started reading again. In few minutes Sanskar too came out,dressed up, he looked a bit happy.

"Nik, the shoot is starting from tomorrow and they're not changing the action sequence and they want me to join from tomorrow."

"Oh that's great news Bro, now I can also do some work."

"You're not going anywhere, you just recovered from that accident and doctors also advised not to do anything so please don't try to do anything."

"But it's been a month already. I m fit and fine I can join you." Nikhil pouted.

"No means no. You're not coming with me. I m not changing my mind about this so don't even try to convince me." Sanskar remained admant with his decision so Nikhil didn't even try to protest.

"Okay fine. How many days is the shoot?"

"Not more than 3 days I suppose. Should be done with in 3 days I don't think it will extend more."

"Okay, so you will be out for three days should I come with you? I mean I won't perform any stunts but I can stay with you right."

"No, I will manage and you should take care of the girls. They will be alone and it's done no more arguments. Now I m going to meet action director, I'll be back soon." He left not even waiting for him to speak.

"Nik care to explain? I m confused now. Sanskar and films? Is he acting too? Or did he get a film? " Swara asked.

"Yes and no also. Bhai and Nik work behind the scenes, actually they're stunt man sort of body doubles. Bhai got the film last week but then due to some issues it was cancelled but now again" Uttara explained to Swara.

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