III & IV ~ Uncovering the Truth

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We sit in our meal tent, all talking about our performances yesterday. Luckily for us, Mr. Dust doesn't eat with us. He sits in his tent so we all relax when he is not around. I sit between Callie and Joker. Another thing i should mention, is that we have two grown men on sight at all times too. We call them the gatekeepers because, well, they stand at the gate. One of them is always at the gate meanwhile the other one is patrolling the circus site. Their names is Mark and Yuriah. Mark prefers to walk around the site but only because he likes to tease and mess with us. Yuriah is kind, but we don't see him often because Mr. Dust does not like him talking to us.

"I saw an odd man at practice today." Beast says randomly and i look up from the table at her. I see the confusion, the swirling emotion in her mahogany eyes.

"Odd as in what Beast?" Nick speaks up and i see Beast fidget like it... makes her uncomfortable. Henry nudges her with his elbow lightly and her gaze locks on Nick's, looking dangerous, her auburn hair curled around her neck, making it look like the mane of one of the lions she has become accustomed to dealing with.

"Dangerous. He's off, i know it. He's going to do something to one of us, i know it." Beast says and Prince covers Princess's ears, keeping her from being scared.

"Well Beast, don't over exaggerate. If you see him again, let us know." Callie says dismissively and Beast slams her hand down on the table, lacing the air with tension.

"Don't act like i'm a little kid afraid of the boogeyman! I've seen him at the past five shows!" Beast snarls at Callie; and Callie blinks surprised, not knowing how to respond. I try to approach her from a different angle.

"What makes him seem so threatening?" I inquire gently.

"He has a gun. I've seen it but when i point it out to Mark and Yuriah, they don't see it on him. But i know he has one! I've seen it! Don't you believe me?" Beast yells at me now, her eyes narrowing on me.

"Yes, yes i believe you Beast." I murmur, shattering the palpable tension that had been hovering over us. Joker gently let's a hand fall on my shoulder, silently seeing if i am okay; I give him a small smile.

"What does he look like?" Henry asks and Beast sighs, releasing the tension in her shoulders, dropping her gaze to her fidgeting hands on the table.

"Not tall, not short, but he has brown hair, squarish glasses. Not much else i can tell about him." Beast says strongly after clearing the anger from her throat.

"That will narrow it down a lot, thank you." Nick says honestly, not being sarcastic.

"Yeah... Prince you can uncover Princess's ears now." Beast mumbles and Prince nods and uncovers his sister's ears.
"Is someone going to hurt us?" Princess asks and I shake my head and come over to her so i can wrap her in a hug.

"No Princess. No one is going to hurt you... Not on our watch." I hum to her and she hugs me tight. When i back away from her, i see the determination in everyone... No one is going to lay a finger on any of us.

"You'll be safe with us Princess. I swear."


Let me point something out to you for some clarity my dear reader. We are not innocent little circus performers. We all have our flaws in that sense. For example, Joker, our illusionist, has a gun; he has needed it in the past. Nick, so very obviously, uses his knives, as he is a knife-thrower. Callie can tell her snakes to do anything. Beast will not hurt people with the lions, but she has a whip, that can inflict deep wounds; take it from someone who was on the wrong end of the whip during a fight. Next, precious and beautiful little Prince and Princess are not innocent, they can detach the ropes from their metal poles and attack people with them with ease. Doc, (who does not show himself in the spotlight), has a knife. And i suppose that leaves me? I fight. I am not allowed as a "doll of the circus" to have a weapon. But i can fight off anyone sent at me. But that's not the most fatal part of this nightmare... But you'll learn that soon enough...

...I promise...

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