Chapter Seven -- I - II

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Chapter Seven


I awake in Joker's arms and the lights around me too bright, like floodlights feet from my face. I turn my head into his chest and cover my face... And the wave of not breathing hits me hard.

"R-Ryan... Where's Princess?" I gasp, remembering I have to breathe on my own now.

"Calm down Mari... She's safe with Nick in the lunch room." He says softly and I sigh in relief.

"Why are you carrying me?" I breathe and he emits a airy laugh.

"I knew you wouldn't want to be far from princess when you awoke and I knew you're too weak to walk... Morgan told me what you did in there for Princess... We're lucky you're not dead." He says and I groan.

"Death would be a welcome change of scenery." I mumble and he laughs, real this time.

"Well hang in there with me Mari. We'll get out of here. All of us; together." He says and I nod into his chest.

"I hope so Ryan." I whisper and he enters a new room and I feel him tense up. He puts me down outside the doorway, and I hear someone scream from in the room.

"Don't move." He says firmly and I shake my head and try to stand, but fall backwards into the wall.

"No I need to- to know what's going on. Tell me. Let me in." I groan and he shakes his head.

"Later... I promise." He says and I look at him odd from hearing him use that word.

"O-Okay... Fine." I groan in pain and he nods, and plants a kiss on my head.



"I'll be right back." He says gently and then he turns the corner and enters the room again. I struggle to get to him but the lights are painfully bright and I am too weak to get far. I hold myself up on my arms and swing myself forwards to just miss my target. I can only see a sliver of the room, but when I see it, I scream. With no sudden strength, and no cliche movie strength, I manage a weak crawl/drag into the room, and Joker is pinning Caspar to the wall on the other side of the room, telling me to get out, but I can only hear the sound of my own thundering heart.... And the blood rushes to my ears, the sound of my own blood pulsing with panic in my veins, boiling with agony and rage; as I approach a shattered sight... Prince lays on the floor, blood pooling under him, and tears blur what's left of my weak sight. I heave in gasps as i get myself to him, and swipe my tears roughly away. I look at his fragile face; where now his head is cut open, and half of his face is severely burned. His arms are cut open in so many places, and his legs are steeped in blood... I bite my lip hard, to prevent from screaming out again and i cradle his bloody body in my arms.

"Prince... prince.. I've got you buddy; hang in there stay with me. Please Prince, please." I sob and his eyes lazily move to me... He's still breathing. I gasp and hold him to me tightly. I try my hardest not to cry all over him and he weakly grasps my cheek softly.

"D-Don't cry for me.... Y-You're so pr-pretty." He stammers, and I shake my head, tears leaking down my cheeks, slipping into my skin and lips.

"N-No don't waste your strength. Just stay with me. Please Prince." I cry and I hear shuffling and fighting from the direction of Joker and Caspar but I can't tear my eyes away from Prince.

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