Ch. 6 - III & IV

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   As we walk into the cold sterile lobby of the building, shivers wrack my spine. Joker approaches me from behind, placing a hand on my spine; steadying me, strengthening me. I offer a smile of thanks and he grins back at me. Nick comes up beside me, and i sling an arm around both Joker's and Nick's shoulders and grin at them.

  "I love you dorks." I murmur so only they can hear but smiles spread wide over their cheeks.

  "We both love you too Mari." nick says, leaning his head on my shoulder as we walk, and i try to resist the smile that pulls on my lips. I look around and spot Prince marching up to the three of us. He meets Nick's and my gazes and then sighs.

  "I need you guys to promise me that if anything happens to me, you two will protect Princess." Prince says softly, his voice choking up, and I release my hold on the boys and hug him... Princess and him are only twelve... He's so strong for his age... So mature... A pang of hurt strikes through my heart that he didn't get the childhood he deserved.

  "I swear Prince." I say pulling back a little, and putting both hands over my heart. He smiles as kisses my cheek.

  "Thanks Mari... You're like my big sister though... Take care of yourself too." He says and a grin tugs on my lips again.

  "We'll see shorty." i tease and Nick looks down at Prince, a wave of sadness washing over his expression.

   "I swear... But that's not necessary... because you'll get to protect that little sweetheart yourself.. I'll keep you safe.. I promise." Nick says and Princes hugs him.

  "Thank you Nick." Prince murmurs quietly and Joker holds me tight from behind and I partially sink backwards into him, wishing we were set up to perform and not admitted into this stupid experimental "hospital" when it's just a messed up asylum. I grab Joker's hand that rests on my hip and I hold it tightly in mine.

   "We're going to be okay." He whispers and I sink into those words of comfort...

But I don't believe them.


      Next thing I know I'm in my old bedroom... as if it wasn't touched since I left... posters lining the walls, one big bed, black and white striped walls... and my old acrylic paintings littering the walls... almost all of them are of Morgan and I... smiling.. laughing.. I am disgusted with the pictures now.. princess and I will be sharing my large bed, and she's sleeping right now... I take a butter knife I used to use for painting purposes off an old chair of mine, and I scrape off my oil paintings off the walls. Princess sleeps silently, peacefully, in my bed and I look at her so peaceful... and that's when I hear the door to our room click closed. I turn sharply to see Morgan standing there... And I can only stare at him, little snake. His dull green eyes only make me feel repulsed, and his features are soft, as if sculpted... wouldn't surprise me if he is. I cross my arms over my chest to keep distance between us and he smirks, eyes grazing me.

  "This is no way to treat an old friend." He says and I hiss at his words.

  "You were no friend of ours. You pretended to be one of us so you could control us.. You betrayed us all." i growl and he tuts, shrugging slightly.

  "Oh but Marly, I never hurt them... It was only you that I had an interest in." He tisks, but he walks, swiftly, his slender limbs carrying him quick, to the bedside of Princess. "She's such a gentle little thing... It'd be shame if something happened to the little darling." He comments, and i see the glint of something in his jacket... Without thinking, without blinking, without flinching- I launch myself atop him and hit him as fast as i can, as hard as I can. He lets out a laugh, and shoves me off of him. I roll once, gaining control of my speed, and kneel, protectively in between him and Princess.

  "Don't you dare lay a finger on her." I growl and he stands from a kneel, blood trailing down his chin from his lip; and he has the audacity to clap.

  "Brilliant performance Marly. Truly... But this time? I won't be the one to betray you... There's a snake in your troupe. Find it, and destroy it... Before it kills you all." He says... And he turns on his heel and leaves the room, clicking the door shut behind him... That's when I realize i'm trembling. I look down at my bloody knuckles and up behind me at the little sleeping angel still sound asleep... I won't let him get to me, and he will not touch her....

Not while i'm still breathing.

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