I Had to Get Advice!

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"...And then he told me he likes me! Like actually likes me! What do I do Callie?" I ask and Callie smiles at me wide.

"Oh Doll... you know what you have to do. Tell him how you feel... I see how you look at him." She says and I cover my mouth with my hands.

"You noticed?" I squeak out from behind my hand.

"Everybody noticed Mari. But that's okay! Just go tell him. And next time? Don't run away silly." She says coming up to me, and she messes my hair up. I blush again, and I nod.

"Thanks Callie." I say smiling at her and she smiles back, shaking her head a little.

"We are always going to be here for each other Doll. Always... Just be careful how you tell Nick." She says and I nod and smile at her.

"Kay... Thanks!" I call again and she nods as i walk towards the practice tent... I'm so nervous!


Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading this far! The adventure is far from over and soon I will begin going into their back stories... Stay tuned~! <3


P.s. I wrote it like this because Mari/Doll is based off of me XD

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