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Mr. Dust is long gone by the time i look Romeo in the face. He's got a... creepy vibe to him; which is funny coming from a freak like me.

"If you so much as look at my girlfriend wrong I will take the liberty of shooting you and hauling your sorry behind out the front gates." Joker announces and every single one of us look at him. I hide a laugh that bubbles up inside me.

"Whoa, chill out Joker... I can take care of myself... And if he tries to pull something i'll show him who's he messing with." I smirk and Romeo clears his throat.

"I'm sure this isn't helping my case, but jeez when you talk like that you're hot." Romeo says and my eyebrows shoot up high as a blush spreads over my cheeks.

"And you, my fellow circus member, are giving me very creepy vibes." I remark, trying to keep my voice free of embarrassment and Romeo smirks at me.

"Is there a vibe you'd find better?" He asks and I throw a hard candy from my pocket at his face; and it bounces off his forehead.

"I have a boyfriend Idiot." I mutter, "I'm not interested in your shenanigans. You want a girl; talk to Callie. She's the prettiest girl alive." I announce and Callie swats my arm, blush spreading over her cheeks and I smile wide. Joker rests his chin on my shoulder and whispers,

"You're the prettiest girl i've ever laid eyes on." He whispers and put my hand in a shooing motion.

"You're bias." i mutter and Romeo smiles wider still.

"You're awfully quiet about a flirtatious guy being here." Henry elbows Beast and she growls at him like the beast her name suggests she is.

"I have my reasons." She snarls low and I see something between Beast and Romeo... What is that? I make a face and look to Joker for help but he's too busy studying them to give me an answer.

"Something's not right." He whispers and I nod. I look to Nick who just frowns at whatever it is between them... Hmm...

"Everybody go to bed; we're having a big day tomorrow." I say and Beast speaks up.

"Wait Mari!" She yells as I begin to leave, carrying a practically sleeping Princess in my arms.

"What's up Beast?" I ask and she looks at me hesitantly.

"I... Can I share a tent with Romeo and you get Nick in yours?" She asks softly. I'm surprised but Joker shoots me wary glance.

"Sure Beast. Romeo follow Beast to your tent please. Callie you'll be with Aliah; and Nick come with me." I say, glancing at him to see him holding Prince in his arms.

"Alright Doll." He says and Joker grabs my shoulder softly, before planting a kiss on my head.

"Good night Mari.. Be careful; okay?" He asks and I smile.

"Always. Good night Joker." I say and Henry drags him away. I see Beast and Romeo murmur lie to each other, and Aliah and Callie laugh together as they walk away. I turn to Caspar and he tries to take a, now sleeping, Princess from my arms but she cuddles into me. We all walk out of the dimly lit tent to the soft darkness of the night air.

"I got her Caspar.. How was your trip?" I ask softly and he shrugs.

"It was decent; I missed you guys though." He tells me and Nick laughs lightly, Prince sleeping now too. The chilly summer air wraps around us as we walk.

"Yes, your merry band of mutated freaks." Nick jokes in light humor and I smile.

"Mutated freak or not; I'm more than thankful for you guys." I breathe and I see smiles slip onto both boys' faces.

"Awwe we love you too~!" Caspar teases and I laugh lightly, sure not to wake Princess.

"Well I do love all of you guys." I whisper as Caspar holds the tent open for Nick and I and we put the highnesses into their beds.

"Good night crew." Caspar says and I smile.

"Night dude." Nick and I say in unison and we leave Caspar's tent...


"Are things cool between us Mari?" Nick asks gently and i glance at him from the side of my eye, and shrug.

"Yeah; i mean, everyone knows we could never stay mad at each other. We came here from the same auction.. We're like family. Plus, I think we have bigger worries than past mistakes. Considering it looks like your girlfriend has a thing for Romeo." I comment and he tenses up.

"You saw that too?" He asks softly and I bite my lip... Sorry Nick.

"I think everyone saw that Nick... it's gonna' be okay though. I promise." I say and he slings an arm around me and tousles my hair.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." He teases and i nudge him in the ribs softly.

"Don't underestimate me. No matter what happens, you know i'd keep you safe." I say gently and he nods a little, and holds the tent open for me. I walk through and sit on my bed and take off my necklace and earrings. I set them on my bed but they fall and nick flicks a knife under them, catching them. I grin and look at him and he looks away like he didn't do anything. I smile wider and I take the knife in my hands.

"Did you throw this?" I ask teasingly and he begins to whistle low.

"No idea what you're referring to." He comments smiling and i stick my tongue out at him.

"Fine, then i'm keeping this." i tease and he grins.

"Good. Now get some shut eye; good night Mari." He yawns and I yawn in turn. I lay down and he lays on his new bed, where callie used to sleep.

"Good night Nick."

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