Chapter Six - II

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    I look at all the sleeping people in the wagon.

  "Hey Callie; why is everybody sleeping?" I ask quietly and she smiles a little.  

  "It was a domino effect really... When you fell asleep, Joker and Caspar ran to you. The little highnesses followed Caspar... Nick followed the highnesses. Beast ran after Nick, and Henry followed his sister.... Aliah followed Henry because she was scared... Mr. Dust had every single one of them sedated... It was pretty awful... I held Romeo's hand and he kept me safe." She says and i look between them wearily but smiling. I walk over between the bodies to Caspar and Joker. I put Joker's head on my knees, and brush Caspar's hair off his forehead.

  "Romeo are you and Callie...?" i trail off, and Romeo blushes at me.

  "No; we're just getting to know each other. Don't worry Mari- I'm still single." Romeo turns from sad to flirt in 0 to 60 in no time and I laugh lightly, playing with Joker's hair, and recovering Caspar with his blanket.

  "Thank you Romeo... But I already have the guy I want." I say gently and I see a smile tug at Joker's lips. I bite my lip and look at him smiling.

  "How long have you been awake Ryan?" i whisper and his eyes flit open.

  "Not long Doll... And you're the most amazing girl ever." he murmurs to me and i ghost a smile.

  "Callie help me with him." I say and she grins.

  "Absolutely not." She adds and even Romeo smiles.

  "Where are we going?" Joker asks sleepily and i don't want to tell him...

  "T.I.L.E." I whisper and romeo looks confused as Joker looks so mad.

  "The Institute of Learning Experiments... Where they tortured Mari and I because we didn't listen to them... Mr. Dust abused us after that." joker supplies for me and i compose myself.

  "Wait- Mr. Dust abuses you two?" Romeo asks and i give him a weak smile.

  "Nope... Just me. But it's okay... it's just a flesh wound." I whisper and he looks so sad. I smile up at him, dismissing the thoughts, and pull on a happy expression.

  "I'm okay Romeo. I always am; now come on, lighten up. Let's talk about something else. When did you join the circus and why?" I ask and Romeo smiles at me.

  "I joined because my little sister ran away with the circus and I went after her... In no time i became the ring leader and people loved me... That's when things went bad. Someone shot every single performer... Including me... My sister died. I have a limp but im okay now. I joined a new circus afterwards with my girlfriend that had also survived... She cheated on me within the week... I stayed there until i met you guys. What about you mari?" He asks and He tilts his head, "what's your name? Your real name?" I look at him and little surprised and shrug.

  "My story is simple. My mother and father sold me. They traded me for a different girl... I must've been too much hassle for them." I say shrugging, not letting the hurt sink in and i smile a little, "And my name was Marlaina... But Joker and Henry still call me Marly sometimes as short." I comment and Romeo gives me an odd look.

  "Marly... Not far from your new nickname, eh Mari?" He asks and i smile.

  "Nope." I reply, grinning and I look down at Joker who smiled up at me.

  "You're so amazing." He whispers so quiet only I can hear and I blush.

  "You're such a punk." I breathe and then look up at Callie to see her giving us a suggestive look.

  "Callie stop that." I whine but she just smiles instead.

  "Why? Because oh dear your beloved is being too sweet?" She mocks and I blush very red, my cheeks hot.

  "Stop!" I squeak back and she just grins.

  "Why should I? You and I both know you like him~." She teases and I blush.

  "Why are you so difficult?" I squeak back and Romeo laughs.

  "Because everyone knows he likes you, because he's so bold about it; yet you are quieter about it and only show you love him when you think he isn't paying attention." Romeo observes and I go red.

  "Why are you all such observant meanies?" i hiss childishly and Joker laughs and so does Callie and Romeo. The carriage halts abruptly and i fall to the side onto Henry, who wakes at the contact.

  "Sorry Henry." I murmur and he helps me up a little and brushes himself off.

  "You're all good." He replies yawning and I think we all yawn in return. Stupid yawns. I laugh out loud at the absurdity of this all. Everyone being sedated for being worried about people they care about? I smile at the waking troupe members and laugh lightly.

  "I love you guys." i say and the members who are awake enough to understand what i said either laugh or smile. Beast comes up beside me, and hugs me from the side.

  "I'm glad you're alright Doll." She says, and I smile; knowing she hates showing affection.

  "Awe thanks Beast; i'm glad you're doing alright too." I say quietly and an odd glance passes between her and Romeo again. I wonder if something has happened between them but then remember that it happened when they first met too. I bite my lip, thinking, and an arm snakes around my shoulders from my other side and i see Joker grinning, trying not to look at me. I smile slightly and flick his arm but then the entrance of the wagon is uncovered and remarks of being blinded escape everybody's mouths.

  "Get up freaks. We're here to see Morgan; so get moving." Mr. Dust says and I look out the entrance to see a tall building. I growl at the sight of it, but Beast tightens her grip around me, showing her support. I give her a small smile and look for Princess who is climbing over people's' limbs to get to me... We were experimented on together. We have a bond that won't be broken; we specifically were in the same water tank. I embrace the hug she gives me and i smile.

  "I'm scared Mari." She whispers into my ear and I hold her a little tighter.

  "We'll be okay Princess... I'm right here." I murmur back to her and she holds me tighter, her thin arms wrapped around my neck.

  "I love you Marly." She whispers, barely audible and I bite my lip to keep from crying, before whispering back,

  "I love you too Avery. I'm so sorry you're stuck here... But i'm going to keep you safe as best as i can... You're safe with me Princess." I whisper... I'll keep her safe. I will.

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