-character review; moira

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02. character review; moira

I've been an avid gamer of Overwatch since I bought it back in the spring of 2017. Since then, I've created a myriad of OCs for the game: some of them I am proud of; others are very, very bad. 

One of them I made way back in March, when I started saving up to buy the game. She was called Moira Brown, an unsubtle homage to Moira Brown from Fallout 3. Of course, she had no correlation to the character, Moira O'Deorain. 

I've decided to review her story was that she was a Mary-Sue and a terrible one at that. 


'Moira has black, short hair that grazes her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark brown that looks almost black and 'twinkles in the night'. She has bronzed skin that is very soft to touch. There are no scars on her body, so far ;). She's also 13-years-old.' 


The first glaring issue I recognize is the fact that Moira is a self-insert, her description matching mine almost perfectly save the eyes 'twinkling in the night' (although I wish mine did). The fact that she is a fighter yet she does not have any callouses or scars and that her skin is 'very soft' is not a very realistic description. 

Another non-realistic element to the passage is the fact that she is 13-year-old. The problem with this is that it is very stupid, she is a member of the Talon organization from Overwatch, but, the big question is, why would Talon want a 13-year-old in their organization? Wouldn't that be too much of a risk? 

A child can easily be manipulated/tempted to a different side. I don't care how 'special' the child is or if their parents had a connection to Talon, you have to realize this is a child running about. 

From a game perspective, this idea is terrible too. While in Overwatch no-one 'dies' (they simply get eliminated), the fact that there is blood in Overwatch would not stand with game critics or parents. Remember, this is the same community who gets genuinely upset when a stranger online chooses a character they don't like. 


I've had to postpone and reschedule this chapter multiple times due to a lack of motivation and general laziness. I apologize to the few that actually read and wait for each chapter and I'm sorry this one was so short, but I'm very lazy and have the attention span of a rabid squirrel on crack so I've gotten sidetracked a lot. Lucky for you guys, I have a little project I'm working on. Stay tuned. 

EDIT; 8th May 2019; 

You might be wondering why this chapter is so short and the answer is that this was originally supposed to be a three chapter series, I'll be continuing this in the near future so stay tuned. 

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