-author's note galore.

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14. author's note galore.

Just a quick chapter to [hopefully] ease me back into writing.

Anywho, I click on a book; I look at the chapter's menu; I see A/Ns upon A/Ns. Are you kidding me? I understand some issues need a chapter devoted to them because they need to be seen, but when author's notes outnumber your story chapters 3:1, you know you are fucked. 

I usually relegate my author's notes to the end of the chapter, but, if a matter concerns your book, that's completely fine to make a chapter about it. 

What I cannot stand, however, is when I see shit like 'so-and-so tagged me' or 'I went to Mike's Fish and Chip's shop yesterday' or 'look what my boyfriend texted me'. Does that really need a chapter? Really? It shouldn't even be in the book, it's not important, it doesn't concern the book, it's just filler. 

To add, when you're reading the book normally, and you get smacked in the face with three author's notes back-to-back, that's gonna break immersion and probably people's faith in the author. 

Although it's hard to swallow, your average reader won't give a muppet's arse about you or your escapades. They want the story, they want the characters and you are going to have to swallow your pride and not include them in the story. And if you want to tell your readers what you've been doing, you make a book devoted to your life, like an online journal. 

Had to get that out of my system, but it is so immersion-breaking when I am knee-deep in a tense action story and I see this. Utter bull. 

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