-'x readers'

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20. x-readers and inclusivity

I'm sure we've all read a character x-reader story, right? I reckon I've read around fifty to a hundred ( I know that I don't have a life, you don't have to remind me ). For those who don't know, an x-reader is a book designed for the reader to insert themselves into the story and imagine that the character of their dreams is in love with them.

Neat, isn't it?

No, it isn't.

Why? I hear you asking in the distance of my mind. Well, I'll tell you. Graphic content ahead and remember, I'm here to entertain and educate you, not mock and deride you.


Do you know how much times I've read about the reader blushing in an x-reader? I've lost count, but it's in nearly every single one. It's so annoying.

Let me explain. I'm African-American, dark-skinned, black, whatever you want to call it. The melanin in my skin means that, when I get embarrassed, I don't blush because the red pigment doesn't show up as well as it would on someone who is pale or lighter-skinned. 

So when I read about blushing, I just can't relate. It's a quality of life change, but it's not that hard to change the line to: 

❝Your lips pursed in embarrassment as you simultaneously bowed your head.❞


Now, I'm pretty annoying as you have probably guessed by now, but I'm nothing compared to these motherfuckers in x-readers. Seriously? The love interest says something like ❝I want to protect you.❞ and this bitch just goes full bitch mode on them and is just like ❝I don't need your protection, I can protect myself.❞ and then proceeds to get kidnapped.

Like, if you're a supposed bad bitch then show me instead of telling me. Back your shit up or else you're just all talk and no game. Am I actually getting mad at a fictional personification of myself? Help me.

nO cRiTiCiSm PlEz;

So, I understand if you don't want to have your book shit upon, but when you say that you don't want criticism full stop then that's just a bit extreme. Constructive criticism helps people get better, it most certainly helped me. Hate and criticism are two different things: one destroys and one strengthens. 

If you don't want hate, that's fine, no-one should have to put up with straight-up insults on their work, but critique should be encouraged and accepted. How are you gonna improve, if you don't give people a chance to help you improve it?


Please, do not include this in your stories. We've all seen the messy bun, baggy-pants-wearing, oversized-t-shirt-having, shy gamer girl all over Wattpad and perhaps none more prevalent than in x-readers. I get it, most of your reader base is going to be the introverted, gaming type but there are some extroverts out there too!


X-readers are designed to be all-inclusive. You're supposed to imagine yourself as (Y/N), yet, when I read x-readers, I can never do that. Instead, I have to make a character up, someone who can cosplay as me, someone who can meld and shape themselves into whatever the writer wants me to be. I can't be myself.

You know why?

Because the very concept of writing is not all-inclusive. When I write, my main character is usually a Caribbean female because I'm a Caribbean female. How many times have you caught yourself imagining that you were in your stories? Personally, I've done it countless of times because, by putting yourself in your character's shoes, you can understand how your characters will react in certain situations. 

You'll probably never find an x-reader that is inclusive. 

Oh, did your love interest run his hair through your long hair? Well, what if you don't have long hair or what if you don't have hair at all? 

Oh, did you blush in embarrassment? Well, what if you have melanin in your skin and so don't blush? 

Oh, did you easily reach that bottle on the top of that counter? Well, what if you're short and can't reach it?

Oh, did your bae get it for you? Well, what if you're tall enough to get it yourself?

Oh, did your bae take your virginity? Well, what if you're no longer a virgin?

Oh, did you already lose your V-card? Well, what if you're still a virgin?

You get my point, the list goes on and on. You will never find an x-reader that is inclusive, because if you do then that wouldn't be a story. See, that perfect, all-inclusive 'x-reader' you found, would have to lack detail to be all-inclusive. (Y/N) or you would be a bland, generic, basic bitch, no-seasoning-having caricature of a person to be fully 'all-inclusive'.

So, what can we do?


You can't make an x-reader all inclusive without stripping away the fundamentals of a story, but quality of life changes can make it seem a little better. For instance, when writing your main character being embarrassed, try to omit blushing and when describing a spicy sex scene, try to omit the mention of virginity or the lack thereof. 

I know it might sound like nit-picking, but it goes a long way and makes sure that you don't alienate your viewerbase. 


ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED; Wed, 5th June at 7:06 PM

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