The 4 Elements

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Fire: Those who can control fire are brave and courageous. They often act without thinking, and tend to be aggressive. They are seen as overly competitive, so watch out if you go head to head with one of these guys.

Strengths: Defeating those who control wind

Weaknesses: Those who control water

Earth: Those who can control earth are calm, cool and collected, but they've got a wild side. They believe in peace and are the kindest people you will ever meet. But don't be fooled, behind that smile there's an unruly power that everyone should fear.

Strengths: Fighting those who control water

Weaknesses: Those who control wind

Water: A water master is skilled in combat, yet very intelligent. They have a passion and skill for the arts, and are mass strategists in combat. They can switch from kind and caring to aggressive and powerful in a matter of seconds.

Strengths: Defeating Those who control  fire

Weaknesses: Those who control earth

Wind: Wind masters are similar to earth masters. They are calm, cool and collected. They believe in horoscopes and chakras, and often meditate to achieve inner peace. Approach a wind master while they're meditating and you'll regret it forever.

Strengths: Defeating earth masters

Weaknesses: Fire masters

Fire counters Wind

Wind counters Earth

Earth counters Water

Water counters Fire

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