3 - Challenge Day

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DIANA CLUNG TO THE MAST OF ONE OF THE BOATS, WATCHING AS THEY MADE THEIR WAY TO THE CEREMONIAL FALLS, WHERE T'CHALLA WOULD BE CROWNED KING. Since Diana was not a Wakandan native, but had the blessing of the royal family, she was allowed to ride in the royal family's boat, which she greatly appreciated. Even so, she preferred to watch these sort of occasions from afar, and not actually engage. She tried to stay out of affairs that were not her own as much as possible to avoid starting any conflicts.

Laughter, music, cheering, and dancing could be heard and seen from where she was, and all of the tribes but one were present. Diana's gaze fell on Shuri, who was clapping along with the music, and she smiled at the princess's happiness. She was glad to see that at least some childhood innocence hadn't been taken from the young girl.

Okoye stood in a boat full of only the Dora Milaje, pride etched into her expression as she raised her spear in the air and shouted in her native Xhosan language, "Onward!"

The Dora Milaje pounded their spears on the wood of the boat, the impact sending a sonic pulse through the water. The pulse activated an underwater mechanism that began to drain the water. The level decreased until it was shallow enough for the tribes to cross it and take their places on the ledges of the falls. Diana, however, stayed at the top, allowing the other tribes to leave before she stood at the edge, watching the ceremony below as they waited for T'Challa's arrival. Chanting filled the air as the people celebrated their prince's big day.

A large jet flew over the line of rocks, opening the back walkway as T'Challa stepped out. Streaks of charcoal were on his cheeks and forehead, and paint designed like a panther's spots covered his broad chest and shoulder blades. One hand held a shield while the other held a sword as he stared up at his people, withholding a smile at their happiness.

Diana watched as the jet flew away, and the music and chanting stopped. A man in purple robes lifted his arms, calling for everyone's attention. "I, Zuri, son of Badu, give you prince T'Challa, the Black Panther!"

T'Challa looked up at the top of the falls where Diana stood, watching intensely. He then dropped to one knee. Bowing his head, he remained silent as the crowd crossed their arms over their chests in respect.

Holding a small bowl containing a purple liquid, Zuri said, "The Prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away."

He stood in front of T'Challa and brought the bowl to the prince's lips. T'Challa drank the liquid, then began breathing heavily. Everyone close enough could see the purple veins spreading throughout his body, and even though Diana was up high, her enhanced senses allowed her to see him as if she was right there. She winced slightly at his pain, the drums that were playing only adding to the intensity of the moment.

T'Challa took a deep breath and licked the residue of the liquid from his teeth before standing, the veins fading from his body.

"Dumise o okhokho," Zuri yelled, and everyone yelled it back before he went on, "Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne." He gestured to T'Challa.

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