31 - Avengers Assemble

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WHEN THE DUST CLEARED, DIANA SLOWLY LIFTED HER SHIELD, SHOVING AWAY THE PILE OF DEBRIS THAT HAD THREATENED TO CRUSH HER. Looking down, Diana's eyes landed on Raevanna, who was pressed up against her side, her body hunched over. Diana didn't remember moving to protect Raevanna when the missiles hit, so she figured it must have been instinctive. And it amazed her how she had grown so fond of the young faery in such a short amount of time.

"Are you alright?" Diana asked Raevanna.

Raevanna let go of her, straightening up and nodding. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks."

"No problem." Diana looked around. "Where is everyone?"

"I don't know," Raevanna admitted, biting her lip. "We all got separated in the blast."

Diana immediately noticed the fear in Raevanna's eyes. Turning her body so she was facing her, Diana put her hands on Raevanna's shoulders and smiled at her. "Don't worry. He's fine, I'm sure of it." Raevanna nodded but kept her head lowered, so Diana bent down a bit so she could meet her eyes. "Raevanna, look at me." She did, so Diana went on, "If you're so worried, then let's go find him, alright?"

Raevanna was silent for a moment before she nodded in agreement.

Diana smiled. "Alright, then. Let's go." The two then began to climb over the rubble, searching for Steve and the others.

"What happened?" Raevanna asked as they trekked through the ruins.

Diana huffed. "I have a feeling I know what it was. I just hope I'm wrong."

"What are you thinking?" Raevanna questioned her.

"I think..." Diana paused. "I think it was Thanos."

"Thanos?!" Raevanna repeated. "You gotta be shitting me! It can't be him, he's dead!"

"I know," Diana said. "But did you notice that someone was missing when Bruce put on the gauntlet?"

Raevanna paused to think, then gasped when it dawned on her. "Nebula."

Diana nodded. "Exactly. Nebula went back in time to get the Power Stone with Rhodey. But what if... what if a different Nebula came back?"

"You mean you think she betrayed us?" Raevanna asked.

"No." Diana shook her head. "Nebula is part machine. So I think 2014 Nebula somehow managed to access present Nebula's memories. Then, 2014 Thanos captured present Nebula, and the Nebula who still served him took her place and went back with Rhodey. So 2014 Nebula must have opened up the quantum tunnel and let Thanos come through."

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