27 - Stone Searching

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DIANA, ROCKET, AND BRUCE RETURNED TO THE COMPOUND WITH THOR. Diana was growing more and more excited by the minute, knowing that they were that much closer to bringing back those they had lost. But she was also growing anxious, since if they failed, she knew she could never recover. She would be too heartbroken.

When they arrived at the compound, they gave Thor a hoodie to wear over his exposed stomach. As the God of Thunder walked through the Testing Chamber with a beer in his hand, Diana saw that Tony had arrived as well, walking in from behind Thor.

"Drifting left," Tony said to Thor as the blonde man teetered as he walked. "On the side there, Lebowski." Looking to Rocket, who was working on something underneath a glass platform, Tony asked, "Ratchet, how's it going?"

"It's Rocket," Rocket snipped back. "Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal."

Diana smiled, unable to hide a smile at his words. "Where's Raven?" she asked.

"You mean the winged lady?" Rocket asked. When Diana nodded, he pointed to a side room. "In there with Big Green and the other humies. They're doing a fitting on the suit."

Diana nodded at him. "Thank you." Then she turned and entered the room he had pointed to.

Once she was inside, Diana found Scott, Bruce, Steve and Rhodey talking, while Raevanna sat in the corner, her wings out as she fixed something with a wrench. Scott was in a suit similar to the Ant-Man suit, except this one was red and white, and Diana raised an eyebrow as she realized it was the suit they would be wearing for the test run.

"Time travel suit?" Rhodey was saying. "Not bad."

Scott nodded, only to panic when he saw Bruce touching the suit and something in a red glass tube. "Hey, hey, hey!" Scott warned him. "Easy, easy!"

"I'm being very careful," Bruce told him.

"No, you're being very Hulky," Scott replied.

"I'm being careful," Bruce said, trying to assure him.

Scott held up the red glass bottle. "These are Pym Particles, alright?" he said. "And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more."

"Scott, calm down," Diana said to him.

"Sorry," Scott said, still obviously stressed. "We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Suddenly, he accidentally pressed a button on his suit, then shrunk before he grew back to his normal size. "One test run."

Diana sighed, shaking her head. Then, she looked over to Raevanna, who was still sitting but was now leaning against the wall, her head tilted back and her eyes closed, obviously lost in thought. So Diana walked over to her, then took a seat next to her. "Are you alright?" Diana asked.

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