21 - The Aftermath

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THE FLIGHT BACK TO THE AVENGERS COMPOUND WAS A QUIET ONE. No one dared to admit the truth, but it was obvious. Despite all their efforts, they had lost the battle. Thanos was gone, and their friends were, too. And there was no way to track him down or bring them back.

Diana didn't say a single word the entire flight back. To say she was in despair was an understatement; she was completely and utterly devastated. Her nightmare hadn't been a nightmare at all; it was a forewarning, a prophecy of what was coming. Maybe if she had heeded the warning earlier, or done something sooner, she might have been able to stop what was coming (or at least save T'Challa). But she hadn't. And now T'Challa was gone, and there was nothing she could do about it.

When they reached the compound, Diana followed everyone inside. Her shoulder wound had since healed, but she was still dirty and covered in blood. She knew the others weren't much better.

"Showers are down there," Natasha said to Diana, pointing down the hall. "You can get cleaned up, and we'll get you some clothes. Is that alright?"

Diana gave her a tight-lipped smile and a faint nod. "Yes, that's fine. Thank you."

Natasha gave her a weary smile, nodding back before she left. Diana followed the woman's directions, heading down the hall and into one of the bathrooms. After taking off her armor, she turned on the water and got in before taking a moment to breathe. Then, she closed her eyes, allowing her tears to mix with the hot water as she rested her forehead against the wall.

Diana was tired. She was devastated. She was heartbroken. But most of all, she was defeated. Not just in battle, but in love.

She hadn't been able to apologize to T'Challa, or tell him what was really going on. And now she wouldn't ever get the chance.

How could she be so foolish?

When Diana finished, she got out, seeing a set of regular clothes on the sink. She quickly changed into them, then tied her hair up into a ponytail and returned to the main part of the compound.

Almost everyone was gone, most likely back to their rooms or back to their homes. The only ones Diana saw were Steve and Raevanna, sound asleep on the fancy couch. They were both laying on their side, with Steve closest to the back of the couch and Raevanna right in front of him, her hands tucked under her head while Steve's arm wrapped around her.

Despite everything that Diana was feeling, a smile crept across her face when she saw them. It was very heartwarming to see the two together in spite of all that had occurred.

Suddenly Diana sensed another presence in the room. She turned her head, smiling when she saw Natasha standing beside her. "Very few people can sneak up on me, you know," Diana told her. "You should count yourself lucky that I am not armed."

Natasha shrugged. "Sorry. Force of habit." She then sighed, looking at Steve and Raevanna. "It's nice, isn't it?"

It took Diana a second to realize that she meant the two. So Diana nodded, looking at the couple as well. "Yes. Very nice."

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