10 - Our Cause

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WHEN DIANA WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY, THE SUN HAD ONLY JUST BEGUN TO RISE. She looked at T'Challa, who was still asleep. His arms were still around her, holding her close to him as his chest steadily rose and fell. Diana smiled, kissing his cheek before quietly slipping out of his arms and standing up. Then, she pulled off the dress and changed back into her armor, finishing by putting on her tiara and weapons.

Stepping outside, Diana grinned when she saw D'Kenjo a few feet away, an even larger grin on his face.

"Good morning, D'Kenjo," Diana said, nodding at him.

"Good morning, Princess," D'Kenjo replied. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you," Diana said.

D'Kenjo grinned even wider. "Come with me. There's something I want to show you."

Diana cocked her head in confusion, but followed him across the city anyway. They walked up to the side of the mountain that the city was built on, and D'Kenjo gestured to a series of small ledges carved into the stone. Diana raised an eyebrow as he began to climb it. But, after a moment, she followed him, climbing up the side of the mountain.

They went higher and higher, until they finally reached the top. It was covered in snow like everything else, but the snow was sparkling like diamonds as the sun shined down on it.

"Wow," Diana breathed. "This is beautiful."

"If you think this is beautiful, you should check out the view," D'Kenjo said.

Diana stepped forward, stopping at the edge of the small cliff they stood on. She gasped; all of Wakanda stretched out in front of her, shining in the sunlight. She was amazed by how beautiful the country was overall, and she couldn't believe how she had never known about it before.

"This is my favorite spot in the city," D'Kenjo told her. "The view is always breathtaking here, no matter what the weather is."

"It really is." Diana turned to him. "Thank you for sharing this with me."

D'Kenjo nodded, then gestured to the city. "Come on. We should head back."

They descended from the top of the mountain, heading back into the city. Diana said goodbye to D'Kenjo, then returned to the hut, where T'Challa was now awake. He was wrapped in a blanket and his teeth were chattering a bit, but he still grinned when he saw Diana.

"I'm glad you're back," he said. "I'm going to speak to M'Baku today to see if he will help us defeat Erik. I think your use of diplomacy would be helpful."

Diana smiled. "Of course. When are you thinking about speaking to him?"

"Now, actually."

Diana nodded. "Alright. Let's go, then."

T'Challa stood up, offering Diana his arm. Her lips curled in a small grin, and she took his arm before the two left the hut and walked towards the palace.

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