26 - Smaller Asgard, Bigger Thor

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WHILE NATASHA AND RAEVANNA WENT TO FIND CLINT, DIANA WAS ASSIGNED TO GO WITH BRUCE AND ROCKET TO TALK TO THOR. The God of Thunder had returned to New Asgard after he had killed Thanos and hadn't been seen or heard from since. Diana was worried that his guilt had led him to do something terrible, like what Clint had done after he lost his family.

She had no idea how wrong she actually was.

Now, she was traversing the green countryside of Norway, driving a large utility truck with Bruce sitting in the back and Rocket sitting beside her. The ride had been quiet the entire time, as Diana really didn't know what to say. Despite his intelligence and high development, Rocket was still an animal. And she wasn't used to talking to animals — at least not like this.

"So," Rocket said after a long period of awkward silence. "How much for the bracelets?"

Even though Diana no longer considered herself an Amazon, she still hadn't taken off her Bracelets of Submission. They were the one part of her past that she couldn't bring herself to get rid of, no matter how hard she tried. So she wore them all the time, but usually kept them hidden under sleeves and jackets. However, the sleeves of the leather jacket she wore had been pushed up during the drive, revealing them to Rocket.

"They are my Bracelets of Submission," Diana told him. "All Amazons wear them, but these are special. They were once part of my father's mighty Aegis, the impenetrable shield formed from the hide of the great goat Amaltheia, who wet-nursed the infant Zeus and thus provided the energy from which Olympus sprung. When Zeus gave the shield to the goddess Athena, she, without his knowledge, had Hephaestus reforge the loose fragments into a great prize to be awarded to only the mightiest and worthiest of the Amazons. And it was my half-brother Ares, the God of War, who long ago demolished the Aegis. These bracelets are all that remain of it."

"Okay?" Rocket answered, clearly lost. "And that's supposed to mean what, exactly?"

Diana snorted. "It means they are not for sale. Ever. So don't ask me again."

Rocket held up his paws. "Alright, jeez. I won't."

Soon, they passed a sign labeled "WELCOME TO NEW ASGARD, PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY.", and as they rounded a corner on the mountain they saw a small town on a port below them. Diana drove the car down, then parked the car near the edge of the town before she, Bruce, and Rocket got out of the car and looked around at the remaining Asgardians, who were living like normal human beings. 

"Kind of a step down from a from a golden palace for an Avenger highness and whatnot," Rocket commented at the sight. 

"Hey, have a little compassion, pal," Bruce told him. "First they've lost Asgard, then half the people. They're probably just happy to have a home."

That was when Bruce spotted a particular woman looking over at him. Smiling, he headed over to her and motioned for Diana and Rocket to follow. 

"You shouldn't have come!" the woman shouted to them as they approached.

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