9 - Back From the Dead

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LATE THAT NIGHT, NAKIA AND DIANA RETURNED TO THE PALACE, HEADING INTO THE TRIBAL COUNCIL ROOM. As Nakia opened the door, allowing herself and Diana to enter, the room was empty except for Okoye, who wiped her eyes and stood as Nakia and Diana approached. Then, Nakia quickly embraced Okoye, sharing in their sorrow as Diana looked on.

"The Queen Mother and Shuri," Okoye said. "They are safe?"

Nakia nodded. "Yes."

Okoye sighed in relief, then said in Xhosa, "Thank you."

"We should get to them immediately," Diana said to the general.

Okoye shook her head, speaking in Xhosa again. "I cannot."

Nakia stepped back in shock. "What?"

Okoye stepped towards her. "Though my heart is with you–"

"With all due respect, General," Diana said, cutting her off, "you cannot turn over your nation to a man who showed up here only hours ago."

"He is of royal blood," Okoye said.

Nakia was still shocked as she said, "He killed T'Challa."

"In ritual combat," Okoye replied.

"Does that really matter?" Nakia asked. Okoye quieted, so Nakia went on, "You are the greatest warrior Wakanda has. With the Ambassador by our side, we will be able to overthrow him before he becomes too strong. Please, Okoye. Help us."

Okoye stared at Nakia in disbelief. "Overthrow?! Nakia, I am not a spy who can come and go as they so choose." She pointed to the throne behind her. "I am loyal to the throne, no matter who sits upon it. What are you loyal to?"

Diana was silent. Though her heart disagreed, in her head she understood. Okoye was remaining loyal to her country. Diana couldn't fault her for that.

"I loved him," Nakia said. "I love my country too."

"Then you serve your country," Okoye told her.

Nakia frowned, obviously annoyed and disappointed. "No. I save my country."

With those words, Nakia turned and walked off. Diana watched her go, then followed, only to stop when Okoye spoke.

"Ambassador," the General said. "You know of loyalty to the throne. You understand my position, don't you?"

Diana closed her eyes, inhaling slowly before turning around and opening her eyes. "Yes, I do. But Maximilien Robespierre was the face of the Reign of Terror, yet people stayed loyal to him. And because of it, France suffered the consequences." When Okoye frowned, Diana explained, "He wasn't a leader. He was a tyrant." She turned around and started to walk away, but then paused, looking over her shoulder to speak to Okoye. "Do you really want Wakanda to suffer the same fate?"

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