15 - The Dreamcatcher

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FOUR DAYS LATER, DIANA STOOD IN FRONT OF JULIA'S BOSTON HOME. She knew this visit was unexpected — she hadn't called ahead and told Julia or her daughter Vanessa that she was coming. But she had received a message from her old friend/teammate, Victor Stone, saying he needed her help on a mission of theirs. And, since Central City was nearby, Diana figured it would be best if she stayed with Julia for awhile.

Diana took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. After a moment, it swung open to reveal Julia's sixteen-year-old daughter, Vanessa (who most of the time went by Nessie). The young girl's eyes widened in surprise and delight when she saw Diana standing before her, and a huge grin spread across her face.

"Diana!" Vanessa cried, tackling Diana in a fierce hug. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!"

Diana smiled, hugging Vanessa back. "It's good to see you to, Nessie."

"Vanessa, who's at the door?" came Julia's voice from behind Vanessa. Then, Julia appeared behind her daughter, looking equally as surprised to see Diana. "Diana? What are you doing here?"

"I apologize for such short notice, but I have some business to take care of in Central City," Diana replied. "Is it alright if I stay here?"

Julia smiled and nodded. "Of course you can, you know you're always welcome here." She motioned for Diana to enter. "Come in, come in."

Diana grinned, following Vanessa and Julia into the house. She had forgotten how comfortable and homely the Kapatelis household was, and it was a nice feeling to be back in it.

"All your things are right in your room where you left them," Julia said, pointing up the stairs. "And I made sure the moody teenager didn't touch anything of value."

Vanessa let out an indignant huff at her mother's words, crossing her arms as she glared at Julia. "I am not moody."

"Oh, right." Julia nodded with a smile. "The word I'm looking for is hormonal."

Vanessa huffed again, then stuck her tongue out at Julia before she turned and darted up the stairs to her room. Diana and Julia smiled as they watched her go, amused by her actions.

"By the gods," Diana said quietly. "She's grown so much."

"Indeed she has," Julia said with a nod. "A lot can happen to a teenager in a year."

"Like what?" Diana asked.

Julia shrugged, walking across the living room with Diana right behind her. "High school, mostly. It really changes how you see the world."

"Does Nessie like high school?" Diana asked. "I've heard that it can be quite brutal."

"Well, she doesn't love it," Julia admitted. "But she doesn't hate it, either." She paused. "At least that's what she's told me."

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