Chapter 2

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Don't get me wrong, I love my Daddy-dukes (I'm his princess) but he never really strived for a genuine relationship with Mom. He, in his own words, "popped her cherry" for the first time when she was 13 and he, 14. I guys are thinking "How could they get it in so young and still be together?" To be honest, It's too much to tell the long ass story of how they met and all that other stuff.

After long talks and screaming and yelling with December and I's grandparents (on both sides of the fam ofcourse) our parents stepped up to the plate and took care of their "pookies". Ughh December hates when they call us that but I dont mind it. I cant blame him though because we'll be adults in like 2 or 3 years and most likely the nicknames won't end.

The story is that Mommy and Dad are splitting because we weren't planned. I hate that they decided on this split right when we're in our late teens. Why not before? Why not even wait on sex until they were older and wiser? These questions are still up to them to answer and for Dec (pronounced Deese: short for his name) and I to had spend our childhood pondering. Theres a lot more to tell, so enough about this. Lets focus on the present.

June 31st 2014.

My alarm clock rang as I heard mommy scream my name from



I was wayyy to caught up in the sleep that I should've gotten last night but could'nt because I unfortunately, had to study for finals. "Girl, If you don't get your ass down here!..."

"OK mom! Fuckkk."

I mumbled under my breath after stubbing my toe on my bed post.

"Excuse me Autumn Navaeh Graham?!" How the hell did she hear me from down there? "I love you Mommy", I sleepily say to kiss up to her. I dont even know why she was rushing me because this is her time off from the studio to finish up the Pink Print so she has the whole day to chill. Talkin' bout "Wake up, NOW".

Pshhh I'll get up whenever.

I get dressed in my navy blue Toms and a raglan tee that says "We Run This", and overall shorts. Then my hair was let out of its tie and fell into curls down the middle of my back. (Im mixed don't be jelly) I then put my skull earrings on. Putting on makeup was the least of my concerns now since I was already late for Trig finals. I looked good without it anyways.

Dads usually downstairs with mom but he was sleeping in this morning. They've been giving each other the silent treatment for a week now and its been hard to try to get them to talk. Hopefully that'll change when Dec, the peacemaker, comes back in 2 days.

I head downstairs and walk past the island to creep up behind mom in hopes of scaring her.

"Morning, baby. I heard your footsteps,Nice try." she said over her shoulder. Disappointed of my plan backfiring, I kissed her cheek and nose."Oh and I'm driving you to school since you missed the bus."

"Whattt!? You could've told me that, Ma." I stressed. Mommy didn't answer. Instead she sighed and handed me my plate to go and gave me my orange juice. With that, we went in Dad's Maybach, since hers was at the shop.

The car ride was unusually quiet. We would always talk about the randomest things after I'd spill my heart out to her about how I'd been feeling just to hear her say the sweetest words, "Autumn, baby, Daddy and I love you and we're here for you. Whatever you and your brother need you both can always come to us + let it alll out. You know that" I knew it for sure. Moms my best friend. She'd been saying it since I could remember. But this morning, she just seemed to reflect on the pain and verbal abuse that dad burdens her with while keeping her head positioned straight on the road, fingers on the steering wheel.

After they argue about the pettiest things, dad usually ends up saying


Then mommy says "WHATEVER, YOU DUMB ASS!! ATLEAST I DECIDED TO KEEP DECEMBER! WE WERE YOUNG BUT HOW COULD YOU BE SO INCONSIDERATE?" December was their first-born, then I came after (you would've thought they'd stop after him considering their ages at the time, but nope...I had to come along for the joyride. Nasty freaks.)

We arrived to school (surprisingly w/o the paps on us) and on my way out of the car, I said "Mom be strong, I know you are." Me being happy to hear her words of comfort after all this silence, she replied "Of course, you know I have to hold it down for you and your brother."

"Speaking of December he told me that he'd call tonight to see how you and dad were doing." I stated.

"Ok, I'll look out for the call."

Before getting a grip on my backpack, mommy said "How you gon' leave without giving me my sugar?" So I leaned over, gave her a kiss, and left.

The security gaurd at the entrance held the door open for me and I made sure to say "Thanks, bighead." His real name was Michael Jenkins and is in his late 30s. We were cool like that. He bought me fries and a drink every Friday for lunch and called my bus driver to pick me up early after school on Wednesdays for extra help since I always had no energy to stay for the 5:30 pickup.

I headed to my classroom to take the Calculus exam and while on my way, stumbled upon Casimere and 'Mirah.

"Heyyy, Boo!" said Amirah.

"Whats good, A?" asked Casimere.

"Wassup girl and nothin much Cas. What about you guys?" I asked. "We aite" Amirah said.

"Pshh..speak for yourself! This exam finna get me fucked up, man!" exclaimed Casimere.

"Stop making Autumn nervous,boy. And go on somewhere!" said Amirah. I laughed and Casimere made some low remark under his breath while walking to the classroom down the hall.

"What was that?" Amirah questioned.

"Nun....."said Casimere not even sparing her a look back.

Amirah and Casimere were something else, you'd think they were a couple. I couldn't ask for better friends!

The Calc final wasn't too hard since I studied for it but I just hated this type of math. Because my teacher, Mr. Grover, suggested I'd stay for help, I had more confidence in myself after seeing the answers

to questions I struggled with.

I called Mommy since my bus was running late. She could'nt get me because she was (quote on quote) "out shopping". Way to ditch your daughter, mom. So, Dad was my next option. I was glad he could come through to save me although he slept in.

I was his princess, of course he would.

"Hey, uglyhead. Hop in." he said, smoking his last puff of portable hookah. (He was famous for smoking it)

We always play around like that but we still have the decency to respect one another as father and daughter. What I loved about him was that he'd only whoop me when it was really necessary. Unlike, mom who pops me on the mouth if I uttered "Shut up" indirectly to her. He unlocked the car door, we got out and went in the house.

"So Champagne Papi, what'd ya do today?"

"Slept for half the day and went to visit Uncle Chubbs" he said.

Chubbs is daddy's good friend along with 40. He has two daughters, Kayla and Keyana, whom are my cousins. They're the cutest. Mommy could tell you the same. "Oh ok, sounds cool. Arent you leaving for the tour soon?" I asked.

"Yup, so take care of your mom while I'm gone." My parents have their differences, but in the end, still seem to love eachother. They stuck together after all these years for us. "Oh and December should be home in two days. You guys'll be good Correct?" said Dad.

"Yes Mr. Graham." I sarcastically stated.

"C'mere" I ran to him since he was on the other side of the living room and we embraced in a big bear hug. Daddy was known for giving wide-armed, tight hugs. "Gonna miss you, A" he whispered in my thick hair. "I will too, Champagne Papi" I said making him crack up for a couple minutes.

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