Chapter 5

395 16 4

July 11th, 2014.

After sleeping over for three days, Auntie Sherika, Thee Thee, Tiara and Abriana packed up and were ready to start heading out.

"Bye bestie, love you. We'll do three way in the car." Tiana was crazy. We really couldn't stay separated for a long time though so we still managed to speak even after just seeing each other.

"Love you too, A. I'll be the first one on the dial tone."

Abriana's ass was nuts too. I loved them for that. They never ceased to make me laugh or cheer me up when I'm down. I do the same for them. I gave my aunties a kiss goodbye. 

"We'll call as soon as we get home, Nikabear!" they both said with the same exact tone of voice.

"Ok boos, bye!" mom said as she watched them walk to the their Rangerovers. With just us two we took off upstairs, got in our separate showers, and had a race to see who could get their PJs on the fastest.

"You cheatin' ass!" mom said as she did her famous cackle.

My parent's bed was soo comfy. I layed on Daddy's side while mom relaxed on hers. It was a 92 degree humid ass night. Thank God for central AC. I looked at the countless stars out the balcony and after a minute, brought my attention back to Love and Hip Hop. Besides Catfish, this was me + Ma dukes' fave show.

Mommy shifted up with her back leaning against the bed's head, I, resting my head on her left thigh. She ran her fingers through my locs while keeping her eyes on Stevie J, Benzino, and Mimi arguing at a resturant.

"Mom.... Mom....MOM!"

"Yes, child?" she said calmly as if I haven't called her name three times. The TV kept her in a trance.

"Guess who I saw working at a pizza resturant four days ago?"

"Who?" she acted clueless.

"Mommyyyyyy I said guess." She laughed at my sillyness.

"Your father?" Now why would he...ugh nevermind.

"Umm no, he's on tour, woman." I said.

"On tour my left butt cheek. For all I know he could be out here snoopin around tryna fuck other women. On tour my left butt cheek..." she repeated.

I explained, "Dads not like that."

"Autumn, I've been in this world 14 years before you have I know how your father is." Wow a mere 14 years, I thought to myself sarcastically. Why couldn't these two just move the hell on? But no, they stuck together for me and Dec. I couldn't blame my 31 and 32 year old parents for that.

"You don't see me snoopin and droopin around with other men and I'm the bad guy?" I wondered if her bestfriend SB counted.

"Yes, I was a fast girl then, but I've stayed true to myself and thats all that matters. I know I need to find myself a new man but I have faith that he'll come to me."

Thats another thing mommy taught me: not to chase after guys but let them chase after you. Similar to how Jeremiah smacked my ass and almost followed me out the door.

We got so off topic from my question earlier that I decided to give it a try tomorrow. My eyes got heavy. I felt a gentle tap  indicating that I'd have to either go in my bed or scoot over. I decided to move off her now drool covered thigh and roll over a couple inches away from her.

She whispered to herself,

"My big baby...always drooling on me." while walking to the hallway closet for a rag.

She came back and was surprised to find me halfway off the bed, knowing how lightly I slept. After wiping her thigh and my face, she kissed my slobber-free cheek and turned off the lamp. The TV was left on and we slept. Just like that.

It was brief I apologize.

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