Chapter 6

448 17 6

July 13th, 2014

Dec came home yesterday at 1 a.m. and hadn't woken up since 12 noon today. As for me, I woke up three hours earlier to the smell of eggs, toast, pancake batter, hash browns, sausage, overcooked bacon, coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice. Yes, Im talkin' about freshly as in hand manuevered. Mom hasn't put so much effort and cooked this much breakfast in ages. I guess she was extremely happy this morning.

As I got out of my canopy bed, birds chirped and the morning skies were as bright as could be. My bare feet touched the shaggy purple carpet flooring in my room.

Let me explain.

Basically, everything in my bedroom was purple but in different shades. I liked it because this color symbolized royalty and hope. Hope for better relationships.  Hope for the future. Thats how I wanted it when we first moved in 4 years ago after mom and dad got signed to YM. The memories of dad painting my room walls royal purple and me and mom going to Home Depot saying "Pick a nice carpet, pooh. I don't wanna hear your father's voice saying 'Autumn why the hell did you pick doo-doo brown? Are you colorblind?'" Not to mention she tried to imitate his deep voice too. Looking back, mom made me laugh with that  one.

I stayed in my Spongebob boxers and stopped to look at myself in the purple vanity across from my bed. My hair was fucked up but I didn't care. I brushed my teeth with my purple toothbrush and washed my face with my purple washrag.

Walking down the stairs, the smell got stonger and stronger with my stomach growling like a lion.

Mom wore dad's OVO t-shirt and her lil lady boxers. I saw her open the fridge, close it with her foot, and put a bowl of fruit with cellophane covering over it on the glass table. She opened the blinds in the dining room, causing beams of light to pour in. It made my pupils dilate so my eyes began to hurt.

Examining the amount of food that was being made, I greeted her.

"Morning mommy." I said still sounding tired as I attempted to pour the pancake batter on the griddle.

"Goodmorning,baby . Get the sleep out of your voice and go to bed early. And I heard you on the phone late last night so don't act slick." she said, shaking her head. 'Miah had called to check up on me, see if I was cool anf whatnot.

It was just her and I talking about my encounter with him over breakfast.

"Oooo thats who you were gonna ask me about before I went on about dad and I. I'm sorry, babycakes."  said mom trying to hide her giggles.

"It's cool." I said shoving a forkfull of maple syrupy eggs down my mouth. Besides ketchup, syrup is the best thing to drizzle on scrambled eggs. Tastes soo gooood!

"I know you love my cooking and all but slow it down girl, it ain't goin' nowhea" said mom in her Queens accent as she forked out some cut up watermelon from the bowl onto her plate. A while later and one bite away from finishing, mom kissed my cheek while I was still chomping and went to clear her plate.

"But I was eatinngg..." I whined jokingly.

Mom ignored me and washed her hands in the sink. 

This woman...

It was now 12 p.m. and December came down in his flannel PJs, a wife beater and some socks. He had the nerve to ask mom "Did you make breakfast?"

No "goodmorning" or nothin. Sheeesh...

Whats gotten into him?

Not answering his question she paused, counted to ten, (Another thing mom taugh me: whenever something upset Dec and I, we had to count to ten and exhale) and said, "Boy you really have some nerve. I've given you enough lenience and let you go out with intentions of you coming back home at 3 But you had to spoil it and arrive at 5a.m. You lost my trust once again (Mommy always said to us "Let someone fool you once and thats fine, but twice? You should be ashamed.") I'm done with you."

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