Chapter 15

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August 10th,2014

"You like this one?" Papi asked.

The real estate guy had just showed us the place, which I did like, but it was four bedrooms and I didn't need all that. He left us alone for awhile so we could contemplate on the price.

"I don't like how the kitchen is next to the bathroom. Like who has a kitchen next to a bathroom? But its up to my baby, not me." Mommy said. It was the fifth hour looking into apartments for me and I was just ready to go.

"I think its OK, minus all those bedrooms."

"All those bedrooms? Hmm? I wonder watcha gonna do with all those bedrooms." Daddy said looking suspicious.

"Oh my God, Papi, its not like I'm a side chick with seven different guys. I mean, if Jeremiah wants come over then thats a different story." I said walking into the kitchen that was perfectly sized for me and any company that I'd have while studying in the city.

"Just don't be havin too many girls in here either...might just all have sleepover sex and turn into a lesbian or somethin'. I don't know about this whole living independently in a whole apartment thing."

Breaking him up out of his dirty thoughts, I blurted out that we go across the street to a mini penthouse and check out what was in store for me, myself, and I.

"Mommy, I can put so much of my clothes in here!" I said excitedly looking at the walk-in closet equivalent to the size of two bathrooms. It had three lights built in the roof, a shoe rack, and a rotating hanger bar so I had easy access to my all my shit. The real estate guy said it costed about 5 grand a month which was wayyyyyy out of my budget since I worked for my money full time and heardly earned anything. I knew mommy and dad could afford it though. See, didn't think I'd find the perfect place in one day but I did! And that was all that mattered at this point. Being here since 9 a.m. really didn't help anything either and I was surprised that they actually agreed on certain things today.

"So, do you folks think you'll buy? Like I said before, its renovated, its a great deal of space for entertainment for your daughter and she even has her own office for schoolwork, a guest bathroom, and two bedrooms." the guy said. We were sitting at the rectangular table in the livingroom negotiating things.

"But, the price is 5G a month excluding light and electric bills. I know you both want the best for...whats your name again? I apologize."


"Yes, I'm sure you want the best for Autumn here. And mom and dad can occasionally visit too with the guest bedroom available." Mommy shifted in her seat looking down and then up.

"Well, we're divorced so we wouldn't be shar-" Papi said looking the guy right in his face.

"Oh, oh, oh, ok. I- I- didn't know, um how about I leave you three alone and when you're ready just let me know." I felt even worse for the real estate guy touring celebrities and naive enough not to have heard this over the media.

"I know this is expensive and all but I'll continue to work full time and help you both pay the rent." I said sincerely.

"I know, pookie, money isn't really a problem, but safety is. We haven't lived in the city since you were five, I can tell you need some time to adjust after all that Cali life." She said.

"Thats true."

"I'll adjust fine you guys, this city my HOME I belong here. I'll be alright."

"Yeah she's right babe, lets just get the place and pay the rent a month in advance. You can work off the rest, Autumn." Papi said looking like he wanted to get this over with.

"I'm not your babe and I agree. Excuse me?" Mommy said getting up and walking over to where the man was. "Here's the rent money paid in advance yes, I said it, for a month. Ok? Thanks for your patience and time, sir."

"Thanks." Dad said shaking his hand. I said the same while grabbing my bag and walking out.

"Great doing business with you all. Sorry about that."

"Nah its cool."

'I love love love love love you guys, thank you both!!" I said hugging and kissing them like a lunatic.

"Your welcome pooh!"

I couldn't stop thanking my parents for the rest of the night.

We headed back to JFK Airport.

NYC was now the mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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