Chapter 8

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July 16th,2014 9:00 p.m.

"Need help, pops?"

said Dec as dad went up a ledge to enter the theatre.

"Nah I got it. Thanks."

Since Dad rested yesterday he promised us that we'd go do something tonight. So here we are at the movies to see 22 Jump Street! I waited on this movie tooo much since I saw the trailer. Though the theater wasn't that full and not too empty dad had to sit in the front because of his crutches. Dec and I sat in the last row up top to see ALLL the shit that was gonna do downnn!!

The movie was soo live and wild as ever. Everything went great except for the annoying ass couple wildly kissing and kicking Dec's seat in the back. After looking back a couple times Dec finally said,

"Can y'all fuckin stop?"

I was surprised. He never cursed in public.Dad must've heard too because he turned his head back at us and laughed. Dec drove us home and on our way, I noticed I had 3 missed calls from Jeremiah.

So, I texted him.

WinterspringAutumn: Hey, 'Miah.

Jgotdajuice: Hey, I called you like 3x. Where were you?

WinterspringAutumn: At the movies w/ the fam. Lemme guess you wanna hang?

Jgotdajuice: Yeah I was thinkin earlier but since you just got the message I was wondering if you wanted to now. If you ain' t tired.

Thanks for caring 'MiahI love you. Is what I wanted to say but we ust got back together and yeah...just..yeah.

WinterspringAutumn: Ok thats cool. I'll come over :).

Jgotdajuice: Ight babe.

"Daaaddd, Im going over Jeremiahs house!" I yelled from downstairs.

"Ok! Wait, when did you guys ge-..." I cut him off with no intentions to. I wanted to get to my homeboy's house. Fast. 

"Like last week! And I'll tell you when I get home!" I shouted from the foyer.

"Ight. Dont have too much fun 'cause your mom and I are too young for grandkids. Come at 1:30. I mean it." said dad. "Yes father ,Goodbye." I said sarcastically while laughing to myself. Thank God he wasnt like mom. She'd make me come home a half hour or an hour after I arrived.

"HI 'MIAH!!" I embraced him. It was now 11:30 at night and I didnt wanna scream too loud but I ended up doing so.

"Hey, girl its good to see ya again. As you can see no ones home."Jeremiah said winking.

"Boy stop!" I giggled.

"I'm not playin, A."

"Whatever" I said still smiling.

"Aren't you gonna let me in?"

"I'm sorry, I was too busy gazing at your beauty." Jeremiah sounded sarcastic but he knew he meant that.

He let me in and we went to the living room. "I haven't been over in forever...your living room def looks different." "Yeah moms renovated it a bit. Excuse me." he said getting up and going to the fridge to get us soda.

He sat next to me saying "I heard about your pops, hows he doing?" I told him about the accident and how he was recovering. "Damn, thats crazy. Tell him I said wassup." Jeremiah replied. We ended up talking about more intimate things and how everything was before Evan came along. Then we tongue kissed. He put his hand down my overall shorts and grabbed my ass. "Just like your mama." He said referring to it. All he wore was boxers, so I reached inside and rubbed his hard dick. We remained this way for a long time. Nothing else happened though. My mom and dad wont be grandparents anytime soon but they worried about Dec for that reason though. He's and angel turned freak once he sees what he likes smh. Even though my parents dont promote sex (because of what they been through) dad goes out and buys condoms for him in "secret". But I peep everything, he's not slick. "Bye babe, its 1:20." I said just waking up from the couch. "Ok. Come over sometime again. I'll walk you to your car." We kissed goodbye and I drove off.

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