Chapter 10

382 22 6

July 20th, 2014.


They both stood in silence. I went to the balcony and looked down on my phone pretending to text no one in particular. You know the thing that all teens do when they're caught up in uncomfortable situations like this.

"Welp thats my cue to leave..." I said escaping the awkwardness.

"Close the door behind you." said dad.

"And do not listen by the door this time." added mommy.

I did just that. Except this time I sat down because I knew it'd go on for extra long.

The last time Dec and I cupped our ears to the door was when um...they were both know. Lets save that story for another day.

As soon as I gently shut the door, round 2 of the fighting match began.

"I'll ask one more time.

What were you doing with that bitch?"

Footsteps slowly pattered across the floor. The TV was now turned down. "Why are you trip-" mom cut him off.

"Why am I trippin'? Really, Drake?" mom paused, counted to ten, and exhaled.

"You must think I'm some naive bitch, huh?" I could hear her pacing up and down the room.

"Just why, Drake. Why? And I STILL can't get a fucking answer from your doofy ass." mommy cackled nonstop for about four seconds thinking she was funny. Just know that when a lady laughs or smiles when shes furious, shes CRAZY.  Which in my opinion, she was at times.

"Well Nicki, IF YOU WOULD'VE SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME FUCKING ANSWER THEN MAYBE I COULD GIVE YOU A DECENT ONE!" yelled dad with each decible in his voice raising with the pronunciation of every word.

"Girl I swear you make me mad."


was the sound an arm made punching into a wall. It felt like a hammer jabbing on the middle of someone's forehead: a throbbing pain.

"Rihanna was onto me first. It was a one night stand."

The room grew quiet and I listened to dad's hitched breathing as if he was hyperventilating from that punch and could not mitigate it.

"So you're just gonna punch my walls and shit?" said mom ignoring the fact that daddy just spit some truth.

"Nah Onika, you got it all wrong. MY house MY walls. I PAY THE BILLS IN THIS BITCH!"

"YOUR HOUSE? You know what? Ok I'm gonna be the bigger person and say OUR house. OUR HOUSE. DOES THAT SOUND BETTER? BECAUSE WE BOTH PAY FOR SHIT IN HERE. Dont be mad because I'm worth more in millions than you are."

"THIS. IS. NOT. THE. POINT." Dad yelled those five words and paused  pushing mom each of the five times he stopped in between to say the five words. She was slammed on the floor. Although I couldn't see anything, I heard some glass break. The bed made that squeaky sound when the springs inside begin to stretch up and down.

"Why were you fucking Rihanna? Is she better than me in some way? With her small ass tits...I should've known. I should've fucking known."I knew that mommy must've thrown hi

"Dis- Lui" cologne bottle because it slammed against the door. The liquid seeped through the space below the door's ending and in the hallway.

She threw his chain as well.

I have some keen ass hearing.

"Nicki don't do that." Dad warned.

"You'll make me regret some shit that I might to your ass." He added.

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