Chapter 7

395 17 12

July 14th, 2014

"Hello?" I said with my heart pumping out of my chest.

Dad hardly ever calls us when he's on tour so you KNOW somethings wrong when he does.

"Autumn, baby, Im in an accident and I need to get to your mom. Where is she?" Dad said as if he only had 10 seconds left on the phone.

I looked around and called for mommy forgetting that she wasnt home. My heart beat out of my chest but I didnt want to make him any more anxious so I calmly asked,



"Im sorry but she went out. Just try calling her I know she'll answer."

I wanted to ask,

How'd you get into this accident?

Are you hurt?


If my father was hurt, I was too. But like I said I wanted him to try and remain calm.

I was in the living room painting my toenails. While at it, I took a cotton ball with some nail polish remover and smeared it across the places that were messed up. I was on my fourth toe when mom came in the door on the phone with Dec each having an "In-N-Out Burger" bag in their hands. They never told me that they were going out together? Better yet they brought me back nothing.

Thanks guys.

When Dec was home from college we would go out as a family. Even if he wasn't home we'd still do so, but not as often. Sometimes,it'd be either of us with mommy and dad or all of us. I felt insulted knowing that I always tagged along for the ride.

Dec came to me and hesitantly said, "Autumn, pops' tour bus crashed into two other cars and flipped over. He only has a broken leg." A broken leg? I thought.

"I know he"ll pull through, though.", he said.

"Yeah he called earlier."

December took a seat on the large cushioned chair next to me.

"Oh forreal? He also tol' me 40 was injured bad. I mean real bad. His fingers got fucked up to the point where he might have surgery and not be able to produce for dad anymore. Shits crazy, man."

"What about Chubbs and the rest of O.V.O? Was Jhene' there?" I asked since dad was touring with Jhene' Aiko. He replied, "Chubbs broke his arm and neck. But nahh she was staying at the hotel for two nights. Thank God nothin' happened to her. I cant afford for my baby to get hurt." I punched his arm and giggled. Dec had a crush on her ever since she came out with her mixtape "Sailing Soul(s)".

It was strange that I haven't heard anything from mommy.

"I'll be back." I climbed the stairs and walked across the hall to her room to find her laying tummy down in dad's black "Nothing Was the Same" T-shirt with two pillows (one over and under) her head. MTV was on and a reporter just got through covering the news.

He reported in front of the scene and I saw the flipped over tour bus.

"Fans are saddened that the rest of the tour will be canceled. A source told us that Drake will return home tomorrow." I turned my head back from the TV to her.

I jumped on top of her hoping to make light of the situation.

"Mommy can I atleast see your pretty face?"

"OWWW Autumn and no", her voice mumbled into the pillow.

"Pretty pleeeaseee with a cherry on top?!" She looked up and saw me do my puppy face.

"That wont work this time." She was always a sucker for my puppy faces. Especially when she would'nt give me a cookie before dinner when I was like 4.

"I'll get off youuu." I sang. Of course that worked...With that, she rolled over leaving the mascara stains on the pillow visible. We lay next to eachother and looked at the white ceiling. "Your father and his team could've died." mommy said in a monotone voice. "Thank God it was only a broken leg." this time, said with more emotion. What amazed me was that they still cared for one another through the yelling, hurting fighting and mom screaming and crying. Its what made my parents stronger.

Moms been through too much in her life. From grandpa's addiction, grandma being abused by him and now this...? To escape from all the pain, mom used to make characters in her head and speak to them. One of them was named "Cookie". Thats all I know, but I did some imagining when I was younger as well.

I understood her and continue to do so. Shes an inspiration in me and Dec's lives more than anyone and anything. Its not that dad isnt per say, but he just hasnt experienced the real struggle besides grandpa Dennis coming home late drunk almost everynight. Talkin' about "Started from the Bottom". Psshh with that Barmitzvah? I think not...

"I don't want you to see me crying, baby. Why dont you go out and free your mind of this? I'll be okay." mom said. I whispered very lowly to myself,

"Ive seen you cry enough times... and I'm not just gonna go out and leave you like that."

We gave eachother words of encouragement. Me + mommy pretty much vibe off each other. This lady's my other half, I swear. She sat up changing the channel.

Finally something less depressing.

Dec came talking on the phone and lay sideways at the foot of the bed.

"Ight my nig-" Dec looked back at mom to just find her cutting her eyes at him. "Ight man, bye." he stated.



"I'm taking you out tonight to relax yourself. You really need it. Be ready by 7p.m. And dont lay in bed all day either." Dec said.

"Annnd December Graham saves the day! Score 1 for Mommas boyyy!" I jokingly stated.

"Shut up!" said them both.

"Ok then, goshh."

"Just wear skinny jeans and a nice top." He added, "Oh.. and you can come too..." Dec dryly referred to me while snickering.

"I KNOW I can, retard." I said smushing his head.

"Awww I appreciate it babe, and cut it out, you guys." said mom looking at her Cartier watch that Dad bought her for V-day a couple years back. They were actually stable in their relationship then.

Damn, time flies. It was 6:00 already.

"K kiddies I need to get ready." mommy said, hinting that we should as well.

"Mom we're grown." said my brother and I with embrassment.

"I dont care, you both are still my babies." I pecked her lips and December gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. With that, we went in our separate bathrooms and took our showers.

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